The structures of the respiratory system (the airways, lungs, bony thorax, respiratory muscles, and central nervous system) work together to deliver oxygen to the bloodstream and remove excess carbon dioxide from the body
Ask the patient to whisper "1, 2, 3" - over normal lung tissue the numbers will be almost indistinguishable, over consolidated lung tissue the numbers will be loud and clear
Grade 0: Not troubled by breathlessness except with strenuous exercise
Grade 1: Troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on a level path or walking up a slight hill
Grade 2: Walks more slowly on a level path than people of the same age because of breathlessness or has to stop to breathe when walking on a level path at his own pace
Grade 3: Stops to breathe after walking approximately 100 yards (91 m) on a level path
Grade 4: Too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing or undressing
Sounds heard in an area other than where you would expect to hear them, indicating the alveoli and small bronchioles in that area might be filled with fluid or exudate