
Cards (46)

  • Outcrop - an exposure of a solid rock on the surface of the earth.
  • Folds - defined as undulations or bends or curvatures developed in the rocks
  • Folding - the process of development of folds
  • Limbs - sides of the fold
  • Hinge - found where curvature is maximum
  • Axial Surface - hinge line is traced throughout the depth of a folded sequence
  • Axial Plane - imaginary plane that passes through all the points of hinge
  • Axis of Fold - a line drawn parallel to the hinge line
  • Plunge of a Fold - angle of inclination of the fold axis with the horizontal
  • Crest and Trough - up arched and down arched bends
  • Parts of Folds
    1. Limbs
    2. Hinge
    3. Axial Surface
    4. Axial Plane
    5. Axis of Fold
    6. Plunge of a Fold
    7. Crest and Trough
  • Classification of Folds
    1. Anticlines
    2. Synclines
  • Anticlines - strata are uparched become convex upward
  • Synclines - strata are downarched become convex downward
  • Symmetrical Folds - also called as normal or upright folds. The limbs are equal in length.
  • Asymmetrical Folds - limbs are unequal in length
  • Overturned Folds - folds with inclined axial plane. The amount of dip of the two limbs may or may not be the same
  • Isoclinal Folds - group of folds in which all axial planes are essentially parallel
  • Recumbent Folds - extreme types of overturned folds in which the axial plane is horizontal
  • Parts of Recumbent Folds
    1. Arch
    2. Shell
    3. Core
    4. Root Zone
  • Conjugate Folds - a pair of folds that are apparently related to each other may have mutually inclined axial planes
  • Box Fold - type of fold with exceptionally flattened top and steeply inclined limbs
  • Causes of Folding
    1. Folding Due to Tangential Compression
    2. Folding Due to Intrusions
    3. Folding Due to Differential Compression
  • Fault - fractures along which there has been relative movements of the blocks
  • Faulting - process of development of fractures and displacement the blocks against each other
  • Classification of Faulting
    1. Normal Faults
    2. Reverse Faults
    3. Thrust Faults
    4. Strike-Slip Faults
  • Normal Faults - a fault in which hanging wall apparently moved down with respect to footwall
  • Reverse Faults - fault which the hanging wall appears to move up with respect to footwall
  • Thrust Faults - faults in which the hanging wall has moved up relative to footwall
  • Strike-Slip Faults - faults in which faulted blocks have been move against each other
  • Joints - defined as divisional planes or fractures along which there has been no relative displacement
  • Open Joints - blocks are seperated
  • Close Joints - no separation of blocks
  • Classification of Joints
    1. Systematic Joints
    2. Nonsystematic Joints
  • Systematic Joints - show a distinct regularity in their occurance
  • Nonsystematic Joints - these joints do not possess any regularity in their occurance
  • Dip Joints - joint sets strike parallel to the direction of the rocks
  • Strike Joints - joints sets strike parallel to the strike of the rock
  • Oblique Joints - joints where the strike of the joints is at any angle between the dip and the strike
  • Tension Joints - developed due to tensile forces acting on the rocks