Market Segmentation is designed to divide the market into small segments with distinct needs, characteristics, or behavior.
Niche entrepreneurial marketing
geographic segmentation - climate
geographic segmentation - dominant ethnic group
geographic segmentation - density (rural or urban)
geographic segmentation - culture
geographic segmentation - Classification of the geographical unit (first class, second class, etc.)
demographics segmentation - gender
demographics segmentation - income
demographics segmentation - education
demographics segmentation - ethnic group
demographics segmentation - age
demographics segmentation - occupation
demographics segmentation - religion
demographics segmentation - family size
psychological segmentation - attitude
psychological segmentation - needs and wants
psychological segmentation - brand concept
psychological segmentation - knowledge and awareness
psychological segmentation - social class
psychological segmentation - personality traits
psychological segmentation - lifestyle
behavioral segmentation - perceptions
behavioral segmentation - reactions
behavioral segmentation - benefits
behavioral segmentation - knowledge
behavioral segmentation - loyalty
behavioral segmentation - responses
Points to consider
Accessibility of the market segment
Size of the market segment
Distinction of the market segment
Market Targeting - Identification process that aims to determine the set of buyers with common needs and characteristics.
market targeting - evaluating each market segment andselecting the target market segmentor segments to serve.
Market Segment Evaluation
Size and growth of the segment
Structure of the segment
Capability of the segment
The segmentation process is easily facilitated through the use of -segmentation matrix
Market Segment Selection
Individual or one-on-one marketing
Differentiated or concentrated marketing
Mass of undifferentiated marketing
Individual marketing - Products are tailored to the needs of individual customer
Differentiated - Several segments are covered and products are designed to suit the specific needs of a particular segment
Concentrated - Only one or few segments are covered, but the product is designed for the majority of the consumers in the segment market
Mass marketing - Products are mass produced for the whole market where consumers are not differentiated.
Market positioning - Process of determining the place of the business in the industry. It is an act of placing the business in a specific place in the industry or placing the product in a certain place in the market.
Market Positioning
Determines if the market position is distinct from others.
Evaluates the advantages or benefits of every possible market position