2. Pass through mountainravines, also known as the Bloody way that is a den of robbers
Traveling to Jericho for a largepriestsettlement
Ignored the injured man to avoid being accused of murder
Life is more important than the conflicts you have with each other
Are on bad terms with the Jews
Are the leastexpected to help the Jews
Catechism for the CatholicChurch - the officialsource of churchteachings
Catechism for the Filipino Catechists
CCC 1700
The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God
Dignity of The Human Person
To protect and respect is the 2 main duties of people
It is not selective/selected
Demands us to protect and respect human life
We can be life God based on howweact
CCC 2258
Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end
Why is life sacred?
We are sacred because our Creator is also sacred
God permitted us to exist and go back to him
St. ThomasAquinas
Is a doctor of the church
Created 5arguments
Science and math cannot fully explain a human person deeply so the Church concludes that God is an intelligent designer
CCC 2277
The direct & voluntarykilling of an innocent person is always gravely immoral
Against the law of God & Society
Immorality ≠ God & Society
Moral is the will to God & people
Primary Target of Immoral Actions
People who cannotspeak & fight for themselves - unborn, elders, and the sick
Human life must be respected & protected absolutely from the moment of conception
Conception is from womb to tomb
In conception, there is already a zygote - a one celled biological identity – life
CCC 2273
The right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of a civil society and it's legislation
A basic/essential part of law
Direct Offenses against Human Life
Euthanasia (mercy killing)
27% decline rate of murder (Jan-Feb2024)
The legal term of killing someone and is not penalized, can be self-defense
Miscarriage (unintended abortion)
It is not directly willed by the mother, caused by accidents and defects
Induced Abortion (intentional abortion)
The willed expulsion of the fetus
Factors for Euthanasia
Ordinary means
Without excessive sacrifice or expense
Reasonable hope for recovery
When all 3 factors are not present, there is no reason to promote life anymore
The Catholic Church teaches that by no means people are obliged to exert beyond their capacity to prolong life
Treatments for end of life
Medical treatment
Pain management
Emotional support
Spiritual Care
The act of intentionally taking one's own life
It is a tragic & complex issue that involves a person feeling overwhelmed by emotional pain, hopelessness, or emotional despair
57.3% suicide rate during the pandemic (2020)
Reasons why suicide is a sin
Rejecting God as the master of our life
Denying the presence of God as life giving spirit
Disobeying God of his command to love oneself
Depriving others of their unique love and care
Refusing to accept moral judgement of their conscience to do good and avoid evil
Indirect offenses against Human Life
Inordinate Drinking Alcohol
Use of Illegal Drugs
Reasons why people smoke
Peer pressure
False sense of belongingness
Macho image
Association with people from the upper class
Effects of Drinking Alcohol
Weakening of reasoning power & self-control
Boisterous & aggressive behavior
Loss of coordination & sense of perception
Violent emotional behavior
Complete unconsciousness
When is it lawful to take one's life?
The main agenda of a justwar is not the death of people
War must be taken only as a lastresort
Cold War
Involves no weapons/blood does not flow but the pursuit is to abolish a nation economically
Half jew & half gentile
Worship many Gods
the samaritan Gave expensive wine & oil as firstaid to the jewish man