Provides barrier functions, made up of keratinocytes
Provides strength and elasticity, contains fibroblasts that synthesize collagen and elastin
Provides supportmatrix of the skin, resistance to traction
Maintains skin elasticity
Glycosaminoglycans + Proteoglycans, enable the circulation of water and dissolved molecules
Stores energy, connects dermis to muscles and bones, provides insulation
Superficial fat compartments
Forehead fat
Lateral orbital fat
Palpebral portion of orbicularis oculi m
Malar fat
Nasolabial fat
Prejowl fat
Deep fat compartments
Suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF)
Retro-orbicularis oculi fat (ROOF)
Buccal fat
Deepmedial cheek fat
Superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS)
Continuous fibromuscular layer extending from the platysma to the galeaaponeurotica
Facial expression muscles
Originate from the facial bone or fascia and attach to the facial skin
Musclecontracts toward the origin to produce facial expressions and creases
All wrinkles or furrows are created perpendicularly to the muscle vectors
Muscles of the forehead region
Depressor supercilli
Orbicularis oculi
Corrugator supercilli
Frontalis muscle
Elevates the brow
Procerus muscle
Depresses the brow
Depressor supercilii muscle
Depresses the brow
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Mediates eyeclosure
Corrugator supercilii muscle
Draws the browsmedially
Muscles of the lid closure
Orbicularis oculi (orbital part)
Corrugator supercilii
Depressor supercilii
Spock eyebrows
When botulinum toxin is injected only at the central part of the upperforehead, leaving the sides untouched, the centralbrowdrops and the outerbrow appears lifted
When botulinum toxin migrates to the muscle that raises the eyelid (levatorpalpebrae superioris muscle)
Muscles of the nose region
Nasalis (transverse)
Nasalis (alar)
Depressor septi nasi
Depressor alar nasi
Nasalis (transverse) muscle
Compresses and decreases the size of the naris
Nasalis (alar) muscle
Enlarges the size of the naris
Depressor septi nasi muscle
Pulls the nosetipinferiorly to enlarge the size of the naris