Nervous System

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  • What are the functions of the Nervous System?
    • Receives sensory input
    • Integrates information
    • Controls muscles and glands
    • Maintains homeostasis
    • Establishes and maintains mental activity
  • Main Divisions of Nervous System

    • Central nervous system (CNS)
    • Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
  • Divisions of Peripheral Nervous System

    • Sensory division
    • Motor division
  • Divisions of Motor Division

    • Somatic nervous system
    • Autonomic nervous system
  • Neurons
    • Receive stimuli, conduct action potentials, and transmit signals to other neurons or effector organs
  • Glial cells

    • Supportive cells of the CNS and PNS, do not conduct action potentials, carry out functions that enhance neuron function and maintain normal conditions within nervous tissue
  • Cell body

    Contains a single nucleus
  • Dendrite
    Cytoplasmic extension from the cell body that usually receives information from other neurons and transmits the information to the cell body
  • Axon
    Single long cell process that leaves the cell body at the axon hillock and conducts sensory signals to the CNS and motor signals away from the CNS
  • Structural Types of Neurons

    • Multipolar neurons
    • Bipolar neurons
    • Pseudo-unipolar neurons
  • Types of Glial Cells

    • Astrocytes
    • Ependymal cells
    • Microglial cells
    • Oligodendrocytes
    • Schwann cells
  • Myelin sheath
    Specialized layers that wrap around the axons of some neurons, formed by oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS
  • Nodes of Ranvier

    Gaps in the myelin sheath where ion movement can occur
  • Myelination
    Increases the speed and efficiency of action potential generation along the axon
  • Multiple sclerosis

    Disease of the myelin sheath that causes loss of muscle function
  • Unmyelinated axons
    Lack myelin sheaths, rest in indentations of oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS
  • Gray matter

    Consists of groups of neuron cell bodies and their dendrites, with very little myelin
  • White matter
    Consists of bundles of parallel axons with their myelin sheaths, which are whitish in color
  • Resting membrane potential

    Exists due to the concentration of K+ being higher on the inside of the cell membrane and the concentration of Na+ being higher on the outside, the presence of negatively charged molecules inside the cell, and the presence of leak protein channels that are more permeable to K+ than Na+
  • Sodium-potassium pump

    Compensates for the constant leakage of ions through leak channels by actively transporting K+ into the cell and Na+ out of the cell
  • Leak channels

    Always open, allowing ions to "leak" across the membrane down their concentration gradient
  • Gated channels

    Closed until opened by specific signals, such as neurotransmitters or changes in membrane potential
  • Action potential

    Allows conductivity along nerve or muscle membrane, caused by the opening of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels
  • Depolarization
    Caused by the movement of Na+ into the cell, which makes the inside of the cell membrane positive
  • Threshold depolarization
    Causes voltage-gated Na+ channels to open, leading to the generation of an action potential
  • Action potential

    Allows conductivity along nerve or muscle membrane, similar to electricity going along an electrical wire
  • Channels responsible for the action potential

    • Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, which are closed during rest (resting membrane potential)
  • Action potential generation

    1. Stimulus applied to nerve cell
    2. Na+ channels open briefly
    3. Na+ diffuses quickly into cell
    4. Inside of cell membrane becomes positive (depolarization)
  • Depolarization is not strong enough
    Na+ channels close again, local potential disappears without being conducted
  • Depolarization is large enough

    Reaches threshold, causes voltage-gated Na+ channels to open, generally at the axon hillock
  • Action potential propagation
    1. Opening of Na+ channels causes massive increase in membrane permeability to Na+
    2. Voltage-gated K+ channels also begin to open
    3. More Na+ enters cell, depolarization continues faster
    4. Charge reversal, Na+ channels close, Na+ stops entering
    5. More K+ channels open, K+ leaves cell, repolarization
    6. Briefly more negative than resting potential (hyperpolarization)
  • All-or-none
    If threshold is reached, an action potential occurs; if not, no action potential occurs
  • Sodium-potassium pump

    Assists in restoring the resting membrane potential
  • Action potential conduction

    • Slower in unmyelinated axons, more rapid in myelinated axons
    • In unmyelinated axons, occur along entire membrane
    • In myelinated axons, occur in jumping pattern at nodes of Ranvier (saltatory conduction)
  • Saltatory conduction

    Action potential conduction in myelinated axons, occurring in a jumping pattern at the nodes of Ranvier
  • Axon conduction speed

    • Varies based on axon fiber diameter
    • Medium-diameter, lightly myelinated axons conduct at 3-15 m/s
    • Large-diameter, heavily myelinated axons conduct at 15-120 m/s
  • Neuroneuronal synapse

    Junction where the axon of one neuron interacts with another neuron
  • Synapse structure
    • Presynaptic terminal, synaptic cleft, postsynaptic membrane
  • Neurotransmitters
    Chemical substances stored in synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic terminal
  • Neurotransmitter release

    1. Action potential reaches presynaptic terminal
    2. Ca2+ channels open, Ca2+ moves into cell
    3. Ca2+ influx causes neurotransmitter release by exocytosis
    4. Neurotransmitters diffuse across synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on postsynaptic membrane