Cards (18)

  • Inoculating quadrant #1
    1. Sterilize inoculating loop
    2. Allow loop to cool
    3. Tease cells out of quadrant #1 into quadrant #2
  • Streaking quadrant #2

    1. Sterilize loop
    2. Streak from quadrant #1 into quadrant #2
  • Streaking quadrant #3

    1. Sterilize loop
    2. Streak from quadrant #2 into quadrant #3 without touching quadrant #1
  • Streaking quadrant #4

    1. Sterilize loop
    2. Streak from quadrant #3 into quadrant #4 without touching any other quadrant
  • Label plates properly
  • Incubate plate upside down at 37C for 24 hours
  • Preparing bacterial smear
    1. Draw 3 circles on slide
    2. Transfer unknown bacterial colony to middle circle
    3. Transfer Staphylococcus epidermidis to left circle
    4. Transfer Escherichia coli to right circle
    5. Heat fix slide
  • Performing Gram stain
    1. Flood slide with crystal violet for 1 minute
    2. Cover with Gram's iodine for 1 minute
    3. Flood with 95% acetone alcohol for 15-20 seconds
    4. Flood with safranin for 1 minute
    5. Examine under oil immersion
  • Viewing bacteria under oil immersion
    • Start at low power (100x)
    • Use coarse adjustment to focus
    • Switch to oil immersion objective (100x)
    • Place drop of immersion oil on slide
    • Use fine focus to sharpen image
  • Caution when using oil immersion objectives and immersion oil
  • Take micrographs of specimens viewed at 1000x
  • Wash down bench with disinfectant at end of lab
  • Gram positive control

    Microorganism seen, scientific name, color of stain retained, cell morphology and Gram stain reaction
  • Gram negative control

    Microorganism seen, scientific name, color of stain retained, cell morphology and Gram stain reaction
  • Unknown specimen

    Microorganism seen, scientific name, color of stain retained, cell morphology and Gram stain reaction
  • Why is Gram staining important?
  • What does aseptic transfer mean and why was it important?
  • What is the purpose of preparing an isolation streak plate?