Has minimal interaction with its surrounding tissue, Examples: stainless steel, titanium, alumina
Interacts with the surrounding tissue, Examples: hydroxyapatite, glass ceramic
Dissolved (resorbed) and slowly replaced by advancing tissue (such as bone), Examples: tricalcium phosphate, poly(lactic–co-glycolic acid) copolymers
Ability of material to obtain an appropriate biological response in a given application in the body
Superior mechanical properties, Can be prepared in various forms and textures
May corrode and release harmful metallic ions, Dense and heavy, Not aesthetic, Not biodegradable
Deterioration of a metal, Chemical (non aqueous) corrosion, Electrochemical corrosion
Titanium and Titanium alloys
Good mechanical properties, Corrosion resistance, Adsorption of the proteins on Ti surface, Not toxic, inert, and do not cause chronic inflammatory reactions
Titanium's corrosion resistance is provided by a tightly adherent TiO2 film through passivation
Ceramics, glasses, and glass-ceramics
Inert and superior biocompatibility, Bioactive, High compressive strength and hard, Aesthetic qualities, Can be injectable
Brittle and not flexible, Low tensile strength, Difficult to make and form
Resilient, Soft (low friction), Aesthetic, Biodegradable, Easy to manipulate, form, and use, Low cost
Low mechanical strength, May deform with time and temperature, Leaching monomers
Tissue Engineering
Reconstruct the diseased or damaged tissues
Tissue Engineering
1. Remove cells
2. Expand number in culture
3. Seed onto an appropriate scaffold with suitable growth factors
4. Place into culture
5. Re-implant engineered tissue repair damaged site
Most tissues cannot regenerate when injured or diseased
Even tissues that can regenerate spontaneously may not completely regenerate due to large defect and excessive tissue strain
Replacement of tissue with permanent implants is greatly limited, e.g limited integration, low rate of regeneration