disaster is a seriousdisruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic, or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to scope using its own resources.
disasters are associated with large-scaledestructiveevents such as typhoon, earthquakes, and volcanic eruption that cause widespread loss of life, injury, or property
vulnerabilityfactors - being homeless or financiallychallenged, education, climatechange, and humaninducedenvironmentalchange
disaster is the result of the combination of hazards, exposure, vulnerability, and risks
disasterrisk is the potentialloss of life, injury, or destroyed or damaged assets which could occur to a system, society, or a community in a specific period of time
the 2015 world risk report released by the united nations university institute for environment and human security ranks the philippines as the thirdhighestcountry at risk to disasters
the worldriskindex or WRI is based on 28 indicators and research data, and determines the risk to disaster as a result of vulnerability and naturalhazards
exposure is rated based on its exposure to earthquakes, cyclones, floods, droughts, and rise in sea level
susceptibility is rated according to its population'saccess to improvedsanitation and water supply
copingcapacity is rated through corruptionperceptionindex, failedstatesindex, and insurancecoverage
adaptivecapacity is rated through adultliteracyrate, waterquantity, biodiversity, and habitat
acceptablerisk is used in determiningways to reducepossibleharm to people, infrastructure, services, and environmental processes
residualrisk is the remains after efforts of disaster risk reduction. indicator of continuingneed for the development of community capacity
national disaster risk is the intensive and extensivedisasterrisk that can create a potential nationwide impact either on one event or cumulative
intensiverisk refers to the risk associated with highseverity, midtolowfrequencydisaster the often occur in localized area
extensiverisk refers to the risk associated with lowseverity, highfrequencyevents, mainly but not exclusively associated with highly localized hazards
primaryeffects are directeffects manifested from the disaster event itself
secondaryeffects arise from primaryeffects
tertiaryeffects arise from the secondaryeffects. the effects usually take a longertime to manifest and may involve effects that are diffused among the community members
physicalperspective - seesvisible and tangiblematerials, natural or manmade, that have been affected by disasters. it acknowledges the presences of destroyed infrastructure and buildings, habitats, and properties, among others
economicperspective - investigates the communities'economicactivities and their disruption, this involves the quantifiable factors such as impacts on the health and safety of people, economic progress, and environmental processes
psychologicalperspective - focuses on people'smentalhealth in response to disaster impacts, it acknowledges the aftereffects of disasters such as anxiety, state of shock, trauma, disbelief, or depression, among others
socioculturalperspective - highlights howpeoplerespond collectively to disasters based on their perceptions, religions, sectors, values, cultures, and beliefs
politicalperspective - targets howgovernmentservices are utilized to reducedisasterrisk and disasterlosses. it considers the lack of institutional and non-institutional capacities due to unbalanced political power and governance
biologicalperspective recognizes the possibility of diseaseoutbreaks after an occurrence of a disaster
hazard is defined as a potentiallydamagingphysicalevent that may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and economic disruption, or environmental degradation
the philippines is exposed to hazards due to the presence of pacificringoffire, activefaultlines for earthquakes, Pacific Ocean for tropical cyclones
natural hazards are mostly connected to naturalevents and processes
human-inducedhazards or anthropogenic hazards are induced entirely by human activities and choices