Cards (7)

  • Research Methodology
    Describe what you did and how you did it. The interested reader should be able to repeat the study from the account provided.
  • Research Methodology
    • Be concise, precise, and logical in your writing.
    • Use the past tense in writing the methods section.
  • Steps in writing Research Methodology

    1. Participants
    2. Materials or Apparatus
    3. Design & Procedure
  • Participants section

    Tells the reader a minimum of three pieces of information: 1) who was in your study, 2) the population used, 3) any restrictions on the nature of your participant pool.
  • Materials or Apparatus section

    Tells the reader what equipment and tools you used to run your experiment and to acquire data.
  • Apparatus vs Materials

    It is traditional to label the section "Apparatus" if you are mostly describing mechanical devices; to label it "Materials" you are describing mostly paper and pencil type items.
  • Design & Procedure
    • Describe the type of design used in the research. Specify the variables as well as the levels of these variables.
    • This subsection gives the reader a summary of each step in the execution of the research.