med surg respiratory disorders

Cards (174)

  • adventitious
    abnormal sounds superimposed on breath sounds, including sibilant wheezes (wheezes), sonorous (rhonchi), crackles (rales) and pleural friction rubs.
  • atelectasis
    the collapse of the alveoli, preventing the respiratory exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  • bronchoscopy
    passing a bronchoscope into the trachea and bronchi.
  • cor pulmonale 

    abnormal cardiac condition chacterized by hypertrohpy of the right ventricle of the heart due to hypertension of the pulmonary circulation.
  • coryza
    "Common cold" inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and accessory sinuses. "acute rhinitis"
  • crackles
    short discrete, interrupted crackling or bubbling sounds
  • cyanosis
    slightly bluish, grayish in color from deoxygeated hemoglobin
  • embolism
    blood clot, fat, air, tumor issue or amniotic fluid into pulmonary artery or its branches.
  • empyema
    pus accumulates in the pleural space "this is with pneumonia"
  • epistaxis
    bleeding from the nose
  • exacerbation
    increase in the seriousness of a disease or disorder = increase in the S/S
  • extrinsic
    caused by external factors. EX: pollen, dust, feathers, animal dander, foods.
  • intrinsic
    internal causes, triggered by respiratory tract infections.
  • hypercapina
    greater than normal amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood
  • hypoventilation
    gas exchange is not adequate for the bodys metabolic needs
  • hypoxia
    oxygen deficiency in the cellular tissues. S/S: anxiety, cant concentrate, disorientation, vertigo, pallor, fatigue, increased respiratory rate, elevated blood pressure
  • orthopnea
    abnormal condition in which a person must sit or stand to breathe deeply or comfortably.
  • pleural friction rubs
    low pitched, grating, or creaking lung sounds that occur when inflamed pleural surfaces rub together during respiration.
  • pneumothorax
    collapsed lung, but due to a collection of air or gas in the pleural space
  • proning
    turning pt to a prone position for better posterior lung field ventilation and clearing secretions.
  • vapotherm
    noninvasive, mask free high flow oxygen delivery device delivering up to 40L/min.
  • stertorous
    harsh snoring sound, respirations, dyspnea and sometimes postnasal drip
  • thoracentesis
    inserting a needle like instrument into the pleural space and removing the fluid
  • virulent
    capable of producing disease
  • AP review: upper respiratory: Nasal cavity, cilia, sinuses, pharynx, Larynx, trachea
  • AP review: Lower respiratory: Bronchi, Lungs, bronchioles, Alveoli
  • Regulation of respirations: medulla oblongata, Pons, chemoreceptors, High CO2 and Low O2 = stimulation of breath. CO2 levels provide the primary signal for respiration. phrenic nerve. COPD
  • AGE RELATED PHYISOLOGIC CHANGES: decrease in immune system efficiency. weaker cough reflex. osteoporosis and kyphosis. decrease ion lung elasticity. thick mucus and impaired ciliary action. loss of normal elastic recoil of the lung. respiratory muscle atrophy. thickened alveoli.
  • which infection is usually bacterial in origin?
    acute follicular tonsillitis
  • sibilant wheezes sounds?
    high pitched, whistle like sounds
  • PH less than 7.35?
  • vasodilator used for pulmonary edema?
  • transillumination is used for what?
  • D-dimer serum test is used for?
    diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
  • nerve for respiratory?
    phrenic nerve
  • surfactant is found in where?
  • wheezing of asthma
    constriction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle
  • kussmal respirations 

    refers to an acidosis induced increased respiratory activity
  • Cartilaginous rings
     prevent the collapse of the trachea
  • exhaling what happens to the blood?
    more alkaline