Cards (96)

  • State
    A territory with its own government and borders enjoying freedom from external control
  • State
    Political community formed by a territorial population which is subject to one government
  • Components of a state
    • People: Inhabitants of the state
    • Territory: Fixed portion of the surface of the earth
    • Government: The agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out
    • Sovereignty: The supreme power of the state to command
  • Nation
    Community of people formed based on a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture, and/or territory
  • Theories on the Origin of a Nation
    • Divine Right: Created by God
    • Paternal Theory: Growth of the family
    • Social Contract: Agreed by all for the common benefit
    • Force Theory: Established through use of force
  • Government
    Where laws are made, and policies and programs for the state are formulated
  • In the absence of government, there will be no organized society. No one to enact laws and sees to it that they are implemented accordingly
  • Government
    Should follow the doctrine of parens patriae (parent of the nation)
  • Government
    The legal protector and guardian of the people
  • Forms of Government
    • Democracy: Power directed to people
    • Monarchy: Ruled by kings, queens, etc. Either absolute or limited
    • Aristocracy or Oligarchy: Ruled by a few elites
    • Dictatorial or Authoritarian: Power rests on a single person and people do not enjoy freedom
    • Presidential: Head of state and government is the president, the legislative and executive are independent, and the executive is directly accountable to people
    • Parliamentary: Head of government is the prime minister, executive is not independent from the legislative, and the executive is directly accountable to the Parliament
  • Branches of the Government
    • Legislative: Enact, amend, or repeal laws
    • Executive: Administration of laws and state
    • Judiciary: Interprets the law
  • Bands and Tribes
    Several families living together usually have a common interest or enemy. Leaders possess certain skills and knowledge. A band that survives fissioning and social velocity eventually becomes a tribe
  • Chiefdoms
    A more refined form of bands and tribes. Ruled by a paramount chief from an elite family. It may be either simple (central village with a ruling family) or complex (several simple chiefdoms)
  • Authority
    The power to make binding decisions and issue commands
  • Legitimacy
    A moral and ethical concept that bestows one who possesses power the right to exercise such power since such is perceived to be justified and power
  • Types of Legitimate Authority (Weber)
    • Traditional Authority: Derived from well-established customs, habits, and social structures
    • Charismatic Authority: Legitimacy emanates from the charisma of the individual
    • Rational-legal Authority: Draws its legitimacy from formal rules promulgated by the state through its fundamental and implementing laws
  • Non-Market Institutions
    Reciprocity exists when there is an exchange of goods or labor between individuals in a community. Transfer entails a redistribution of income that is not matched by the actual exchange of goods and services. Redistribution is the combination of both transfer and reciprocity
  • Market Institutions
    Allows the free flow of goods between and among private individuals and firms with very limited participation from the government. Market and prices serve as mechanisms and devices to put value on the different goods and services and may augment people to buy or not. Specialization is critical to take advantage of humans' unique skills and abilities
  • Command/Socialist Economy
    The economy relies on the central government. Rejects the motive of wages because they are low and profits the capitalists. More emphasis on essentials, less production on "luxury" goods
  • International Trade
    Economic institutions are not only confined to one specific territory or geographic location. Sovereign nations, like individuals and firms, use the different geographical qualities of nations to redistribute goods and services
  • One major issue with international trade is that it harms local industries and local suppliers cannot compete with international firms
  • The imposition of trade barriers by one nation can be traced to escalating tariffs and quotas
  • Competition between raw materials
  • The trade embargo imposed by governments with the causes can be traced to politics
  • Non-State Institutions (Non-State Actors)

    International actors who are largely or completely autonomous from the state. They emanate from civil society, market economy, or political opportunities
  • Banks
    A financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit
  • Corporations
    A legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Enjoys most of the rights and responsibilities that an individual possesses. Has the right to enter into contracts, loan and borrow money, hire employees, own assets, and pay taxes
  • Commercial or Retail Banks
    Concerned with managing withdrawals and deposits as well as supplying short-term loans to individuals and small businesses
  • Investment Banks
    Concerned with managing withdrawals and deposits as well as supplying short-term loans to individuals and small businesses
  • Insurance Companies
    Offers insurance policies to the public, either by selling directly to an individual or through another source such as an employee's benefit plan. Usually comprised of multiple insurance agents. Can specialize in one type of insurance, such as life insurance, health insurance, or auto insurance, or offer multiple types of insurance
  • Cooperatives
    Jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers or farmers
  • Trade/Labor Unions
    These organizations of workers have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees, and better working conditions
  • Transnational Advocacy Groups
    Organizations which are dedicated to influencing political, economic, social, and institutional decisions beyond countries' borders
  • Development Agencies
    Independent organizations, shaped by public and private institutions, whose goal is to help develop and support economic growth within a specified city, region, or state by providing necessary resources and assistance especially for the most marginal portions of a population so that they may have opportunities of income and decent employment
  • International Organizations
    Organization with an international membership, scope, or presence
  • International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)

    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross, and Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Education
    The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits
  • Socialization
    A process of learning the attitudes, values, and behaviors that are expected from an individual as a member of society
  • Ways to Educate and Train Young Population
    • Formal Education: The major means used by the state is to educate most of the population
    • Non-formal Education: When young people interact with adults or with their parents, they are learning the culture of the group
    • Informal Education: Pertains to the lifelong learning process of an individual, one's acquisition of values, skills, and knowledge from his/her daily experiences in society
  • Manifest Function

    The intended function of social policies, processes, or actions that are consciously and deliberately designed to be beneficial in its effect on society