
Subdecks (2)

Cards (29)

  • Explain 2 understandings of The oneness of God (Tawhid)

    1. God is unique. There is nothing like God. Nothing in the physical world is like GOd. God does not die or change (immutable) like everything else
    2.You should only worship one God (monotheism). Only one God is worthy of worship. Only one God who created the universe, who all life depends upon.
  • Explain 2 influences of beliefs in the Oneness of God

    1. In prayer (Salah or Dua) they direct their prayers towards only one God, and never the prophet Muhammed.
    2.The Shahahda (declaration of faith) is whispered into a new born babies ear and a a dying persons ear. It is the first and final truth a muslim should know
  • explain 2 understandings of God's omnipotence

    1. God is all-powerful as he has created the universe from nothing and he alone upholds it as stated in the Qur'an
    2. God is all-powerful, he pre-decides the hour a person death. Weather it be during child birth of disease or of old age (Inshallah-God wills it)
  • Explain 2 influences of belief in God's omnipotence
    1. Muslims could respect the creation the omnipotent god has created by: recycling, using solar panels, walking rather than driving
    2. If a child has died Muslims may accept it as it the will of the all-powerful God (Insha'allah
  • Explain 2 understandings of God's beneficence

    1. Gods beneficence is seen in nature, through his creation he has given humanity what they need to survive and flourish e.g. food, water and oxygen.
    2.God's Beneficence is seen through his gift of the Qur'an, his direct word. Through the Prophet Muhammed because it has shown humans how to live a perfect life and how to submit to Allah
  • Explain 2 influences of belief in God's beneficence

    1. Prayer beads, in Dua, after Salah they could give thanks to Allah privately for showing his beneficence through the Qur'an and demonstrating the perfect Muslim life through the Prophet Muhammed and they recite that he is omnibenevolent
    2.In calligraphy, Muslim artists could show his beneficence through beautiful calligraphy
  • Explain 2 understandings of God's mercy
    1. Because nothing on Earth is like Allah when we see humans being merciful to each other it is nothing in comparison to the mercy God shows e.g. In Islamic countries Families of the victim can show mercy in court
    2. On judgement day, when God look at your Book of Life, he can show mercy to sinners who are truly sorry so that they can go to paradise rather than Hell by permitting them to cross the Bridge of Sirat. However there are some things that God will not show mercy for e.g. Apostasy, when a born Muslim rejects the faith
  • Explain 2 influences of belief in God's mercy

    1. Muslims may take comfort if they have don't something wrong (adultery, eating pork, drinking alcohol that if they are faithful that God may show his mercy on Judgement Day
    2. As Allah shows mercy to humans, Muslims may feel compelled to also be merciful in their own day to day towards other people who have sinned e.g. Adulterers, thieves or alcoholics
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about God's fairness
    1. Allah is concerned about fairness in this world e.g. for families, the poor and the outsiders as stated in the Qur'an
    2. Allah in concerned about fairness in the afterlife. On judgement day he will examine a persons book of life and fairly judge wether they deserve Paradise or Hell
  • Explain 2 influences of God's fairness

    1. Muslims may be influences to treat the poor fairly by paying Zakah (one of the5 pillars) which helps the poor get food, clothing and accomodation
    2. Muslims may pray during Dua asking God to Judge them fairly on Judgement day and that Allah will see how they have submitted to his will e.g. following the 5 pillars
  • Explain 2 Muslims beliefs about God's Justness
    1. Allah wants Justness in this world for the poor, impoverished and outsiders as stated in the Qur'an
    2. Allah wants justness in the afterlife as on Judgement day he will examine a person's book of life and judge them fairly
  • Explain 2 influences of God's justness

    1. In some Muslim countries there is a Zakat tax which goes to help the poor and disadvantaged
    2. Muslims could perform Dua and ask to be treated justly on Judgement day
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about God's Immanence

    1. God acts within space, matter and time as shown by him sending the Angel Gibril to Muhammed on the Night of Power to reveal the Qur'an which shows Muslims the right path, the perfect guide o how to surrender your life to Allah
    2. God acts within space matter and time to uphold the laws of nature to keep the universe in existence, ordered and stable and provide everything all creatures need to survive
  • Explain 2 influences about God's Immanence

    1. Muslims may prayer in a Mosque after Duma and thank God for upholding the laws of nature during Dua
    2. It may strengthen their faith that Allah is not entirely remote, but that he is close as his activity can be seen in him upholding the laws of nature
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about God's Transcendence
    1. He exists outside of space, matter and time, he's not like anything in space, matter and time and he's not an object, he has no body, he's Immutable, eh doesn't die or change
    2.In the Qur'an we have the 99 Beautiful names for Allah, but even then he cant be fully known as he's a mystery, there are some dimensions we cant understand
  • Explain 2 influences of belief about God's transcendence

    1. It is forbidden to create a physical representation of Allah as he's not physical. Instead they create beautiful geometric design and calligraphy to glorify Allah's words and creation
    2. For some Muslims, Allah may feel very far away and remote. He may feel so far away they could start to question their faith, because hes so remote he doestn answer faith
  • Explain 2 muslim beliefs about Angels

    1. They perform tasks for Allah, they are always obedient. e.g. Gibril obediently passed on the words of the Qur'an to Muhammed, they are unlike humans who have free will
    2. Every person has an angel on each shoulder which records your thoughts and deeds throughout your life to be presented to Allah on Judgement day
  • Explain 2 influences of belief in Angels

    1. To submit their daily lives to God because thoughts and actions are being recorded by Angels. For example following the Qur'an by not drinking or smoking, regular prayer, paying alms and fasting during ramadan
    2. they could pray privately to Allah to thank him for sending Gibril on the Night of Power because he revealed the Qur'an and that shows Muslims how to perfectly submit to God
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about predestination

    1. Allah knows all the good and bad actions a human will freely chose before they even happen. This is because he perceives past, present and future all at the same time. This doesn't interfere with free will.
    2. Allah has chosen beforehand the moment of a persons death. As stated in the Qur'an. This maybe in childhood, a car accident or of old age. In the same way he decides when a life starts
  • Explain 2 influences of Predestination

    1. Muslims may take comfort that God had willed the death of a child (e.g. terminal cancer) and that is part of Gods plan. It could also make it easier to accept as God willed it (Insha'allah) and there was nothing you could do to stop it. If Allah wills it a Muslims must submit and accept it
    2. Some Muslims faith may be weakened in Allah because they know a beneficent God would not have let someone die in particularly extreme circumstances e.g. violent crime
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about Freewill

    1. Allah has given humans the gift of freewill, the choice either good or bad ( i.e. surrendering to Allah or not) This makes humans unlike Angels, who don't have freewill. Allah may know what you will choose to do but it won't interfere with your freewill
    2. On Judgement day humans will have to face the consequences of their freewill. They will be presented with their Good and Bad choices and that will decided if they get to cross the bridge of sirat to paradise or fall off to hell
  • explain 2 ways belief in Freewill could influence Muslims today

    1. To use their freewill in a way that submits to Allah in the hope of reaching paradise (e.g. refrain from alcohol, not eating pork and fasting during Ramadan)
    2. Ask Allah in Dua to give you strength to submit to God in a way that please him (e.g. following the 5 pillars) and use their freewill therefore in a way that means they will go to paradise)
  • Explain 2 Muslims beliefs about life-after death
    1. All humans will be brought back to life and Allah will decide what happens to them on the Day of Judgement. Wether they will go to paradise or Hell
    2. Human beings will be presented with a book of life, listing all the ways they have submitted to God and turned away from him. This is written by the two Angels Raqih and Atid throughout your life. This is the basis for Allah's decision on wether your soul crosses the bridge of Sirat or falls to Hell
  • Explain 2 influences in the Belief of life-after death (AKHIRA)
    1. Ask Allah in Dua to show mercy as you have committed a sin (e.g. Adultery, eating pork, or not fasting during Ramadan) in Hopes that he will let you cross the bridge of Sirat and go to Paradise
    2. The could submit to Allah during their life so they can go to Paradise on Judgement day (by following the 5 pillars)
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about responsibility and accountability

    1. Human beings are responsible for their actions, both good and bad as they have been given the gift of Freewill be Allah. They are responsible for praying regularly and refraining from Alcohol
    2. Humans are accountable as they must face the consequences of their choices they've made on Judgement day in the Book of Life
  • Explain 2 influences in belief of responsibility and accountability
    1. Muslims may try to use their freewill in a way that pleases Allah, and pray to him in Dua to help them accomplish that
    2. Pray to Allah for forgiveness and mercy to shown they know they are accountable for their actions and use of freewill
  • Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about resurrection
    1. On the day of Judgement all human beings will be raised from the dead and Judged by Allah. They day will be Signalled by the Angel Israfil, who will blow a trumpet
    2. Humans are given a new perfect body, and they will be presented with their book of life, which outlines the ways you have and haven't submitted to Allah, this will decide your fate to either go to paradise or hell
  • Explain 2 ways belief in Resurrection influences Muslims today
    1. Submit yourself to Allah in the way outline in the Qur'an (e.g. 5 pillars) so on Judgement day you can be deserving of Paradise
    2. Praying to Allah in Dua and asking for mercy becuas you have gone against his will (drinking alcohol, not keeping the fast and not paying Zakat)