P.E Health 4th Grading

Cards (16)

  • Injury
    Damaged tissues which occur when it encounters trauma or physical force that is greater than what it can resist
  • Acute injury
    Signs and symptoms (e.g., pain, swelling) that manifest immediately after force application
  • Acute injuries
    • sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and wounds
  • Chronic injury

    Overuse injuries the signs and symptoms occur after a long period of exposure to the force
  • Strain
    • Common of all sports-related injuries
    • Caused by stretching muscles and tendons farther than they should (pulled hamstring, pulled groin muscle, strained swuads)
  • Common sprains
    • Ankle sprains
    • Knee sprains
    • Wrist and elbow sprains
  • Fracture
    • Caused by impact and contact sports
    • Can be painful, take weeks to heal, and may require surgery
  • Stress fracture
    • Fatigue-induced bone fracture caused by repeated stress over time
    • Does not require immobilization but individual has to stop exercise for around four weeks to heal
  • Tendinopathy/Tendinitis/Tendonitis
    A type of tendon disorder that results in pain, swelling, and impaired function
  • Osteoarthritis
    Chronic degenerative joint disease that affects mostly middle-aged and older adults and causes the breakdown of joint cartilage
  • Bursitis
    Inflammation/irritation of a bursa sac that helps ease rubbing and friction between tissues
  • Heat exhaustion
    More severe than heat cramps, resulting from a loss of water and salt in the body, extreme heat and excessive sweating body is unable to cool
  • Sports injury prevention and management

    • Be in proper physical condition
    • Know and abide by the rules
    • Wear appropriate protective gear
    • Rest
    • Always warm-up before playing
    • Avoid playing when very tired or in pain
  • First aid techniques for injuries

    • Rest (restrict movement/immobilize)
    • Ice
    • Compression
    • Elevation
    • Refer to see a health professional
  • Sudden trauma, overuse mild to severe, treatment (RICER)

    Common sport acute injury
  • Strain
    Common muscle strain (pulled hamstring, pulled groin muscle, strained squads