
Cards (41)

  • Vocation
    A mission in this life, that God is calling and preparing you to do
  • Everyone has a vocation. God calls and invites all to his saving plan
  • Vocation of the Church

    To make people holy
  • If the vocation of the church is to make people holy, then your vocation is to help make everyone holy, beginning with yourself
  • According to the acts of Apostles, St. Paul started the persecuting the Christians
  • God loves variety, and this just show us how wonderful and generous he is
  • Variety of vocations in the Church

    • Priest
    • Religious orders
  • Priest vocation
    Called to serve the Church in a very special way, by bringing all God's people to sacraments, and to help us to become holy
  • Religious life vocation
    Implies an undivided heart: "Giving completely to God" by taking 3 vows - Chastity, Poverty, Obedience
  • Those who are called to religious life, know how good all these things are, but they also know, there is another greater good: and that greater good is GOD HIMSELF
  • Vocations
    • Priest
    • Marriage
    • Single life
  • Marriage vocation
    The wife responsibility is to show her husband and kids, how much God loves them, throughout her. The husband responsibility is to show the wife and children, how much God loves them, through him. Both husband and wife should share the Gospel to their children, by words and action
  • Single life vocation

    Accepting the vocation of the "single life" means choosing to serve God as a member of the laity. Single persons serve the Christian family through acts of love and service, in a variety of lay ministries. It is a calling to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ and a commitment to be open to God's will
  • Career
    A profession that a person may get into, either because he has found a good match between his life goals, skills, personality, and interests with a dream job. Career could be changed through time. Vocations are more consistent even in different situations and conditions
  • Career development theories

    • Trait and factor theory
    • Personality type-work environment congruence theory
    • Social learning and career decision theory
    • Developmental or the life-spam or life-space theory
  • Trait and factor theory

    Skills, values, interests, and personality traits are analyzed and matched with job factors or an occupational profile
  • Personality type-work environment congruence theory

    An offshoot of parson's trait factor theory where John Holland identified six personality types - Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
  • Social learning and career decision theory

    Based on Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficiency, which means that a person may exercise control over his or her thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and self-efficiency is the predictor of behavior. John D. Krumboltz theorized that social learning is the basis of our career decisions and development and that people choose their careers based on what they know and have learned
  • Developmental or the life-spam or life-space theory

    Proposed by Donald Super who based the theory that people usually change careers during specific life stages as the need to express their constantly changing self-concept occurs as their careers mature
  • Internal factors affecting one's choice of career

    • Self-concept or self-identity
    • Personal Preferences
    • Motivation
    • Self-confidence
    • Personal Skills
    • Personality Traits
    • Personal Health
    • Emotional Considerations
    • Self-sabotaging thoughts
  • Self-concept or self-identity
    If your self-identity is not solid as it should be, then choosing a career or even a course to take up in college will be difficult. There is a need to know and understand what you want to do or do not want to do. Your values will also play a role in your career choice
  • Personal Preferences
    For parents, they will always think of the best for their children. However, no matter how good their intentions are, they can backfire if the child feels pressured to do something different from what he/she wants for himself/herself
  • Motivation
    The drive to fulfill one's fullest potential is the best motivation any person can ever have in living a meaningful life
  • Self-confidence

    "Yes, I can!" "Kaya ko ito!" The self-confident person will keep his eyes on his goals, and declare to the world that he can do it and will succeed in the pursuit of his dreams
  • Personal Skills

    As children, we already learned certain skills just by observing our parents and siblings
  • Personality Traits

    Knowing your personality traits will definitely help you in choosing a career
  • Personal Health

    The condition of your health is a major factor in the career choice you will make
  • Emotional Considerations

    Generally, it is difficult to make a decision when one is experiencing some strong emotions such as anger or sadness
  • Self-sabotaging thoughts

    Thoughts that deter a person from developing a healthy and wholesome self-concept. "Nobody believes in me", "I can't do this"
  • Personal development
    A continual process in which a person could discover and accept his/her authentic existence through a serious resolve and commitment
  • Individual thinker
    Why do I exist in this world? What is the purpose of my existence? "to exist is to strive a certain kind of individual"
  • Existential situation
    Where are you now? Concrete situation of your existence deal with your present state
  • Psychology
    The study of human thinking and behavior – the foundation for personal development
  • Schools of thought in psychology

    • Humanistic psychology
    • Positivist psychology
  • Humanistic psychology
    "The individual has within himself the capacity and the tendency, latent if not evident, to move forward toward maturity." - Carl Rogers
  • Positivist psychology

    The scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive
  • Self
    The being, which is the source of a person's consciousness. The essence of a person
  • Personality
    Refers to the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual. Pattern of habits, attitudes, and traits. Influenced by nature and nurture
  • Aspects of a person

    • Physical
    • Psychological
    • Spiritual
  • Attitude
    A settled way of thinking and feeling. Can be implicit (unconscious) or explicit (conscious). Has 3 components: Affect (emotions), Cognition (thinking), Behavior (actions)