Rizal departed on board the Spanish steamer, Salvadora bound to Singapore
May 3, 1882
Point Galle
A seacoast town in southern Ceylon, with a picturesque but lonely, quiet and sad appearance
The capital of Ceylon, more beautiful, smart and elegant than Singapore, Point Galle, and Manila
Cape of Guardafui
An inhospitable but famous land
Hotter than Manila, where Rizal was amused to see camels for the first time
It took Rizal five days to traverse the Suez Canal
Rizal was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius, the Castle of St. Telmo, and other historic sights of the city
Rizal visited the famous Chateau d'If
The greatest city of Cataluña and Spain's second largest city, but Rizal's first impression was not favorable
Rizal's Articles in Barcelona
Amor Patria - a nationalistic essay
Los Viajes - (Travels)
Revista de Madrid - (Review of Madrid)
Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid, studied painting and sculpture, took lessons in French, German, and English, practiced fencing and shooting, and visited art galleries and museums
Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid
On Saturday evenings
Rizal visited the home of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey and fell in love with Consuelo, Don Pablo's daughter
Rizal was deeply affected by Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Eugene Sue's The Wandering Jew which aroused his sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people
Rizal got involved in student demonstration in the university
Organizations Rizal was involved in
Circulo Hispano-Filipino
Masonic lodge of Acacia, Madrid
Rizal's Writings in Madrid
Mi Piden Versos - (They Ask Me For Verses) a poem
Science, Virtue and Labor - a lecture
A speech in salute of Luna and Hidalgo
- Rizal worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert, a leading French ophthalmologist.
- Outside his working hours, he visited the family of the Pardo de Tavera.
- Famous for its olduniversity and romanticsurroundings.
- He worked at the UniversityEyeHospital under the direction of Dr.OttoBecker, distinguished German ophthalmologist.
- Attended the lectures of Dr. Becker and Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne.
- Visited the famous HeidelbergCastle, the romantic Neckar River, the theater and the old churches.
- Wrote: “To the Flowers of Heidelberg.”
- A mountainous village near Heidelberg.
- He stayed at the vicarage of a kind Protestant pastor, Dr.KarlUllmer, who became his good friend and admirer.
- Rizal wrote his first letter in German to Prof.FerdinandBlumentritt, Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz Austria who became Rizal’s bestfriend.
- Participated in the celebration of the fifth centenary foundation celebration of University of Heidelberg.
- He attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig on history and psychology.
- He befriended Prof.FriedrichRatzel, a famous German historian, and Dr. Hans Meyer, a German anthropologist
- Translated from German to Tagalog Schiller’s William Tell and Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales.
- He corrected some chapters of his second novel.
- Worked as a proof reader in a publishing firm.
- Rizal met Dr. AdolphB.Meyer, Director of Anthropological and Ethnological Museum.
Dr. Feodor Jagor
German scientist-traveler
Dr. Jagor
Introduced Rizal to Dr. Rudolf Virchow
Introduced Rizal to Dr. Hans Virchow
Introduced Rizal to Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger
Dr. Rudolf Virchow
Famous German anthropologist
Dr. Hans Virchow
Professor of Descriptive Anatomy
Reasons for going to Berlin:
- To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology.
- To further his studies of sciences and languages.
- To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation.
- To associate with famous German scientists and scholars.
- To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere.
Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger
Famous German ophthalmologist
Rizal became a member of
1. Anthropological Society
2. Ethnological Society
3. Geographical Society of Berlin
Rizal wrote and read a scholarly paper entitled, Tagalishe Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art) before the Ethnographic Society of Berlin
Rizal’s View on German Woman:
- Serious, Diligent, Educated, and Friendly
On Spanish Woman:
- Gossipy, Frivolous, and Quarrelsome
On Filipino Woman:
- Delicacy of Feeling, Fine Manners, Devotion, and Hospitality
German Customs:
- Cutting down pine trees and decorating it during Christmas.
- Introducing oneself to the host/hostess during social gatherings.
Life in Berlin:
- Rizal led a methodical and frugal life in Berlin.
- He starved, shivered and his health broke down due to the lack of nourishment during the winter of 1886.
Rizal was elected as president of the Philippine Association in Germany