Cards (14)

  • Informative Speech - given for the purpose of providing information about a topic to the audience.
  • To write an informative speech, you first choose a topic-either one that you already know about or one that you are willing to research and learn about.
  • Main types of informative speech:
    1. Definition
    2. Descriptive
    3. Explanatory
    4. Demonstrative
  • Definition speech - explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific topic that the audience likely does not know much about. The main goal of this speech is to educate the audience so that they understand the main points regarding this subject
  • Demonstration speech - explains how to do something. Will likely use visual examples that show the audience how to move from step to step through a particular activity. Visualizations help the audience retain what each step looks like, increasing the likelihood that they will retain the overall information of the speech.
  • Explanatory speech - give a description of the state of a given topic. the goal of these speeches ifs for the speaker to inform the audience on a particular part of an industry. For condensing highly complex information into an easily retainable package for the audience
  • Descriptive speech creates a vivid picture in a person's mind regarding an object, person, animal, or place.
  • Persuasive Speech - given for the purpose of persuading the audience to feel a certain way. Choose a topic about which people disagree or can have differing opinions.
  • Inspirational Speech - a kind of speech that convinces people they can succeed in life. Includes uplifting stories that the speaker thinks the people listening to it will be moved and inspired to do greater and better things in life.
  • Entertainment Speech - to entertain, to have the audience relax, smile and enjoy the occasion.
  • Three types of entertaining speeches:
    1. after dinner speech
    2. ceremonial speech
    3. inspirational speech
  • after-dinner speech - speaker takes a serious speech topic and injects a level of humor into the speech to make in entertaining
  • ceremonial speech - specific context of the speech is the driving force of the speech
  • inspirational speech as an entertainment speech are based in emotion with the goal to motivate listeners to alter their lives in some significant way.