biological appraoch

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  • the biological approach suggests that the mind lives in the brain meanings that all thoughts, feelings and behaviours have a physical basis
  • neurochemistry refers to the action of chemicals in the brain such as neurotransmitters transmit messages. An imbalance of neurotransmitters may be a cause of some mental disorders such as underproduction of serotonin in OCD
  • psychological characteristics such as intelligence are inherited. Twin studies are used to investigate genetic influences. Concordance rates between twins are calculated and higher concordance rates among identical twins than non identical twins is evidence of genetic basis
    • genotypes is the actual genetic make up
    • phenotypes is the way genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics. The phenotype is influenced by environmental factors and this suggests that much of human behaviour depends on the interaction of nature and nurture
  • Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. Any genetically determined behaviour that enhances survival and reproduction will be passed onto future generations. Such genes are described as adaptive and give the possessor and their offspring advantages. For instance, attachment behaviours in newborns promote survival and are therefore adaptive and naturally selected
  • One strength of the biological approach is that it has real world application. Understanding of neurochemical processes in the brain has led to the use of psychoactive drugs to treat mental disorders. For example, drugs that treat clinical depression increase levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin at the synapse and reduce depressive symptoms. This means that people with depression are able to manage their condition and live a relatively normal life, rather than being confined to hospital
  • One strength of the biological approach is that it uses scientific methods. In order to investigate both genetic and neurochemical factors, the biological approach makes use of a range of precise and objective methods. These include scanning techniques like FMRI which assess biological processes in ways that are not open to bias. This means at the biological approach is based on objective and reliable data
  • One limitation of the biological approach is that biological explanations are determinist. Biological explanations tend to be determinist in the way that they see human behaviour has governed by internal and genetic causes over which we have no control. However, the way genotype is expressed (phenotype) is heavily influenced by the environment. Not even genetically identical twins look and think exactly the same. This suggest that the biological view is too simplistic and ignores the mediating affects of the environment