Economicdevelopment means the country is gettingricher
Measuring it:
GNI: grossnationalincome
higher the GNI the moredeveloped a country is
HDI: humandevelopmentindex
tells us the standard of living in a country
lists each countryaccording to how wells it measureson the indicators . Shows a numberbetween0and1 , closer it is to 1 the higher the countrieslevel of development
GNI per capita: gross national income divided by size of population
GNI per capita:bigger the GNI the greater the potential to provide for needs
education: longer people spend in school the wealthier the country
life expectancy: higher The life expectancy usually means there’s access to good healthcare
gender equality: countries that treat people equal tend to be wealthy
has a separate measurement called : gender development index
Patterns of economic development: a term used to describe where wealthisdistributed on earth
Industrialised countries
newly industrialised countries
Industrially emergent countries
Industrialised regions
wealthydeveloped countries
have highly skilled workforce and a long tradition of industry
Newly industrialised regions
developingcountries that haveexperiencedrapidindustrialgrowth
sometimes referred to as “tiger economies “
Industrial emergent regions
have little or nolargescalemanufacturing
mainly used as a source of cheap raw materials for their colonial masters
Colonialism : practice of taking over an ruling a country
Unfair trade: colonialpowers allowed only cash crops such as tea, coffee and sugar to be produced in their colonies
Debt: many countries in the south are in debt
banks charge highinterest on loans
poor countries find it hard to payback the debt
they become trapped in a debtcycle
Conflict: many formercolonies struggled to develop after independence due to civil war
deaths,economicdisruption and cost of military equipment drained the economy
Environment: many developingcountries have extremeclimates
climate change is making agriculture more difficult in developing countries
less money people earn from farming the more difficult it is to pay for education and healthcare
why are some countries still extremely poor?
unfair trade
Case study: Sudan
civilwar has sloweddown the development in Sudan
culturaldivide between northern and southern Sudan
nearly 2 million dead from civil war
Rapidpopulationgrowth has put pressure on limitedresources
climatechange , populationgrowth and war contribute to underdevelopment