Economic development

Cards (19)

  • Economic development means the country is getting richer
  • Measuring it:
    GNI: gross national income
    • higher the GNI the more developed a country is
    HDI: human development index
    • tells us the standard of living in a country
    • lists each country according to how wells it measures on the indicators . Shows a number between 0 and 1 , closer it is to 1 the higher the countries level of development
  • GNI per capita: gross national income divided by size of population
  • indicators
    1. GNI per capita: bigger the GNI the greater the potential to provide for needs
    2. education: longer people spend in school the wealthier the country
    3. life expectancy: higher The life expectancy usually means there’s access to good healthcare
    • gender equality: countries that treat people equal tend to be wealthy
    • has a separate measurement called : gender development index
  • Patterns of economic development: a term used to describe where wealth is distributed on earth
  • Industrialised countries
    • Ireland
    • Australia
    • USA
  • newly industrialised countries
    • china
    • brazil
    • argentina
  • Industrially emergent countries
    • Ethiopia
    • Peru
    • Zambia
  • Industrialised regions
    • wealthy developed countries
    • have highly skilled workforce and a long tradition of industry
  • Newly industrialised regions
    • developing countries that have experienced rapid industrial growth
    • sometimes referred to as “tiger economies
  • Industrial emergent regions
    • have little or no large scale manufacturing
    • mainly used as a source of cheap raw materials for their colonial masters
  • Colonialism : practice of taking over an ruling a country
  • Unfair trade: colonial powers allowed only cash crops such as tea, coffee and sugar to be produced in their colonies
  • Debt: many countries in the south are in debt
    • banks charge high interest on loans
    • poor countries find it hard to pay back the debt
    • they become trapped in a debt cycle
  • Conflict: many former colonies struggled to develop after independence due to civil war
    • deaths, economic disruption and cost of military equipment drained the economy
  • Environment: many developing countries have extreme climates
    • climate change is making agriculture more difficult in developing countries
    • less money people earn from farming the more difficult it is to pay for education and healthcare
  • why are some countries still extremely poor?
    1. environment
    2. colonialism
    3. unfair trade
    4. debt
    5. conflict
  • Case study: Sudan
    civil war has slowed down the development in Sudan
    • cultural divide between northern and southern Sudan
    • nearly 2 million dead from civil war
    • Rapid population growth has put pressure on limited resources
    • climate change , population growth and war contribute to underdevelopment