What is The proper font in writing the research papers? ×NewRoman, size12
what is the main purpose of the abstract of a research?
Allowsthereaderto quickly andaccuratelyidentify the basiccontentofthe paper
Why is it important to write a strong abstract, introduction, and conclusion thisareopensectionsthatreadersstudyfirst
Which provides details to the reader on what and how the research study will contribute and who will benefit from it?
What would you expect to find in a methodology chapter in a piece of practical research? All of theabove
When experimenting with the growth of a plant, a scientist uses three (of the same type of) plants, two different fertilizers, equal amount of light, and equal water. Which is the independent variable? (Growth, Fertilizer, Water. Fertilizer
Which of The following belongs to the title page ? bibliography: citation, date
which should be avoided when formulating the research title?Unnecessarystructureabbreviations
Why should a research title be brief, precise, and contain keywords from the research? toprovideaclearideaofyourinvestigationsothatreaderscangrabthe title focus on research
The most basic distinction between types of data is that some data are quantitative while other data are qualitative. What do quantitative data generally consist of?
The most trustworthy online domain extensions are .gov and .edu
What are the reasons why formulating a research question is one of the first steps in a research project? ithelpsinterpretthefindingsinresearchers
Population or subjects refers individual, people, orgroupofpeople
Research is important in practical life as it helps solve problems, improve decision-making, and advance knowledge
Correct grammatical structure in writing definitions is significant why?yes, subject agreement identifies the sentence and makes it easier to understand
A good research topic is manageable,itsnottoobroadortoonarrow
Methodology which part of the following terms is used when indicate the procedure on how you conducted the research?
survey data are often collected via , observation, questionnaire, and reading reference
You begin a research paper by stating your research topic. While stating your topic, what punctuation mark should you use?
(Comma, Quotation Mark, Question Mark ,
Which answers what the researchpaper is about?
• The subjects for this study are 10 non-readers in Grade 10
• This study shall reveal improvement in reading skills from non-readers to at least syllabic readers.
• This study is conducted during Quarter 4 of School Year 2023-2024 in Punta Engano High School
• This paper assesses the impact of Marungko-based reading program in the improvement of reading skills of non-readers.
Which tells the findings of the research?
• The subjects for this study are 10 non-readers in Grade 10
• This paper assesses the impact of Marungko-based reading program in the improvement of reading skills of non-readers.
• This study shall reveal improvement in reading skills from non-readers to at least syllabic readers.
• This study is conducted during Quarter 4 of School Year 2023-2024 in Punta Engano High SchoolThis study is conducted during Quarter 4 of school year 2023-2024 in Punta Engano High School
Which tells the time frame and geographic aspect of the research?
• The subjects for this study are 10 non-readers in Grade 10
• This paper assesses the impact of Marungko-based reading program in the improvement of reading skills of non-readers.
• This study shall reveal improvement in reading skills from non-readers to at least syllabic readers.
• This study is conducted during Quarter 4 of School YearThis paper assesses the impact of Marungko-based reading program in the improvement of reading skills of non-readers
Which of the following is an example of a focused research topic?
• Effects of Low Grade in Math on One’s Success
• Low Grades in Math
•Factors Affecting Students’ Low Scores in Math
• Math is Very DifficultAn example of a focused research topic
You wanted to know the relationship between poverty and academic achievement among the Grade 10 students in your school. What could be one of your research questions?
• Does poverty greatly affect the Grade 10 students?
• How are Grade 10 students being affected by poverty?
• What are the results of poverty among Grade 10 students?
•What is the relationship between poverty and academic achievement among Grade 10 students?
Which defines and explains a single term, concept, or object by going deeper than a simple dictionary definition?