How do dyes with ionic salt groups attach themselves to fibres?
They help to bind to alkaline -NH- links in fibres. The salt group dissociates when you dissolve the dye in water to give SO₃⁻. To make -+NH2- group, need to add acid to provide H+ ions to -NH- links. The SO₃⁻ groups will then bind to the -+NH2- links
What functional groups would modify a chromophore and why?
ones containing O or N atoms with lone pairs of electrons because the lone pair of electrons becomes part of the delocalised system responsible for absorbing light
because it is polar, the partial charges on water or hydrogen can sometimes be enough to pull ions away from a lattice if they bonds that would form between the water and ion is stronger than the bonds between the ions.
Where are the delocalised electrons in benzene and why are they arranged like this?
in p orbitals above and below the plane of the ring and so the electrons have more room, they can get further away from each other this spread out the negative charge so the molecule is more stable
His figure showed 3 C-C bonds and 3 C=C bonds, this would mean that the bond lengths that would be slightly different but X-rays have shown that the bond lengths are all the same.
Why doesn't benzene like addition reactions but likes substitution reactions?
because addition reactions need to take electrons from the stable delocalised ring to form new bonds but with substitution reactions just a hydrogen atom gets swapped for something else so the stability of the delocalised electrons is preserved