The metal rule is made of hardened and spring-tempered high carbon steel.
Rules are marked off in inches and fractions of an inch.
What is this rule called?
Metal Rule
What rule has 2 straight edges where either side can be used to test if wood is straight and flat?
Metal Rule
What is this rule called?
Zigzag Rule
A Zigzag rule measures 2-3 ft long, is wooden, and has joints so that it can be folded up to fit in your pocket.
What rule is this called?
Push-Pull Rule
A Push-Pull rule is used to measure longer distances from 3-7.5 meters long.
What tool is this called?
Try Square
A Try Square is used for testing if a surface squares. It can also be used for marking out lines which must square with the edge of the wood.
What tool is this called?
Marking Knife
A Marking Knife has a steel blade sharpened to a cutting edge held firmly in place by a wooden handle. It is used for marking off lines usually across the grain of wood to be cut
What tool is this called?
Marking Gauge
A MarkingGauge marks lines along the grainofwood/carbonsteel.
What tool is this called?
A Divider is used for marking out curved lines (ex. circles and parts of a circle joint)
What tool is this called?
Sliding T-bevel
A Sliding T-bevel can be set at any angle like the try square. Its blade is slotted and held in the sack by a screw.
what tool is this called?
a mallet is similar to a hammer, but the head and handle are hardwood. it is used when hitting wooden-handled tools such as a chisel..
What tool is this called?
Claw hammer
A claw hammer is a heavier type of hammer with a claw that is for driving/pulling out nails
What tool is this called?
Wooden smooth plane
A wooden smooth plane is used for planing a piece of timber almost to size
what tool is this called?
iron smooth plane
An iron smooth plane is for smoothing wood after the jack/trying plane has been used
A tang firmer chisel is used to cut and shape woods
A socket firm chisel is similar to a tang firmer chisel
Gouges are used for hollowing woods & cutting curved shapes
Spokeshaves are used for planing curved edges
What are the 2 kinds of saws?
Hand saws and power saws.
What saw is run by electricity?
Power saws
What kind of saw is manually operated?
What saws are these?
A) Coping Saw
B) Backsaw
C) Ripsaw
D) Crosscut Saw
A crosscut saw is used for cutting across the grain of a piece of wood.
A ripsaw is used for cutting wood along the grain
A backsaw is a fine-toothed saw with a heavy metal band across the back to hold the thin blade in place
A coping saw is used for sawing curves out of thin wood
The teeth of a rasp are cut on the principle of cutting wedges