education, sociology

Cards (55)

  • what was durkheims 1925 study called

    moral education
  • durkheims 4 functions of education
    social cohesion, skills for employment, meritocracy, core values
  • what does meritocracy mean
    everyone is judged by universalistic standards, equal chance of success, hard work is rewarded
  • when are durkheims core values taught
    secondary socialisation
  • 3 criticisms of durkheim
    meritocracy is a myth, values are those of bourgeoisies, ignores negatives
  • does durkheim believe in social mobility
  • durkheim social cohesion
    sense of belonging and co operation with those outside the family
  • 2 types of curriculum according to durkheim

    hidden and national
  • who said education is a bridge
  • what is parsons education bridge between

    family and society
  • criticisms of feminists on education

    too focused on patriarchy, ignores other inequalities
  • marxists on education

    education only produces docile, obedient workers, working class are doomed to fail, meritocracy is a myth
  • criticisms of marxists on education
    some working class students have succeeded, assumes working class have no free will, education provides things other than workers
  • arguments against private school

    neglect of state schools, social division, social inequalities
  • how many internal factors are there
  • name 3 types of classes
    setting, streaming, mixed ability
  • setting vs streaming
    subject specific vs general
  • what is beckers theory

  • what happens after labelling
    self fulfilling prophecy
  • which social class are most likely to be labelled successful
    middle class
  • name 2 types of subculture
    pupil and working class
  • name 2 types of PUPIL subculture
    anti school and pro school
  • anti vs pro school pupil subculture

    disagree vs agree with schools norms and values
  • what did Ball 1981 study
    mixed ability vs sets/ streams
  • results of Ball 1981
    after a few days, students were conformists and lived up to labels
  • what method did Ball 1981 use
    participant observation
  • how does schools ethos affect attainment
    whether they prioritise academics or discrimination
  • how many external factors affect attainment
  • 6 external factors
    gender socialisation, material deprivation, language development, parental attitudes, government policies, employment
  • who founded counter cultures
    marxist willis
  • what sociologist is willis
  • what did willis find

    conflict in education system, not best agency for socialisation, doesn't always benefit capitalism, counter culture
  • which methods did willis use
    participant observation, group discussion, informal interviews
  • what did willis say about counter cultures' futures
    unskilled manual labour for life
  • what did halsey study
    social class on achievement
  • criticisms of halsey study
    unrepresentative, only males
  • halseys findings
    service -> working
    4x at 16
    8x at 17
    10x at 18 being in education
  • service vs working class going to uni
    11x chance of service
  • how do government support FSM kids
    pupil premium
  • what does FSM stand for
    free school meals