Those who belonged to a class within society, were confined and restricted by this- most significantly the lower classes (as symbolised through Eva who was unable to advance herself within society without drastic consequences)
There were acts introduced in the early 20th century to support the working classes such as: 1909 wage councils, 1906 children given free school meals and in 1911 there was sickness benefits for workers
This created an optimum environment for capitalist business owners, they had free rein to decide the prices on their goods and simultaneously exploit their workers
The idea that the government should have minimal intervention within the economy. Trade is not restricted and the price of goods is decided largely by the business owners
He would have been a member of society who would have strongly favoured the laissez-faire approach as this meant that he could exploit his workers for extra profit
There was one of the biggest electoral swings in the 20th century in 1945. The Labour party, a newly formed party, won the general election by a landslide victory of around 10%
The Labour parties appeal to the public was their strong commitment to the beveridge report, placing an emphasis on welfare rights- leading to the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS) and social security
Polls found that most of the public favoured the report , as post WW2 society felt the need to be united opposed to divided due to the devastating loss of life throughout the war - the Labour Party paved the way for this
Women were seen as inferior to their husbands or other male counterparts. Their role as a woman did not surpass the patriarchal expectations of them- to have children and be housewives
Marginal gains in Women's rights were made when in 1882 the Married Women's Property Act meant that women were allowed to have their own legal identity and keep property (most wouldn't have any)
Women's contribution to the war effort, sustaining the home front, was a pivotal turning point for women. They were now seen as valuable and important members of society- before their importance was overlooked
Before WW2 these laws were passed: 1918- women over 30 granted the vote. Women can now stand as MPs. 1923- the Matrimonial Causes Act- same grounds for divorce by men and women. 1928- all women gain equal voting rights to men
Women were not entirely equal in society; however, a shift was seen in society post WW2 with people treating each other with more humanity and compassion following the devastating loss of life