
Cards (164)

  • biomolecules produced by living organisms which consist mainly of the elements carbon(C), hydrogen(H), oxygen(O), and nitrogen(N)
  • macromolecules large molecules
  • micromolecules small molecules
  • four classes carbohydrate, lipids, protein and nucleic acid
  • carbohydrates have elements content carbon(C), hydrogen(H), oxygen(O)
  • carbohydrates is most abundant class of biomolecules
  • carbohydrates known to be source of energy of almost all living organisms
  • carbohydrates play a vital role in our existence
  • food that high in carbohydrates fruits, swets, rice, bread, pastas, beans, potatoes, and cereals
  • carbohydrates french term hydrate de carbone, which means hydrates of carbon
  • carbohydrates sometime called saccharide in greek sakcharon meaning sugar
  • the suffix ose is use to denote the name of sccharide
  • 2 types of carbohydrates
    >micromolecules- monosaccharide
    >macromolecule- disscharide and polysaccharide
  • monosaccharide is simplest type of carbohydrates or simple sugar
  • monosaccharide is the only sugar that can be absorbed and utilize by the body
  • type of monosaccharide glucose, galactose and fructose
  • monosaccharide molecule formula C6H12O6
  • glucose means dextrose
  • glucose is most important and also the most abundant in nature
  • glucose is found in the blood stream and provide immediate source of energy of the body cells and tissue
  • glucose may exist both in chain in cyclic form
  • glucose from greek word for sweet wine, grape, sugar, blood sugar, dextrose
  • fructose is known as fruit sugar as it is likely to be found in friut
  • fructoose is sweetest among all sugar
  • fructose can be also be found in the nectar of flower, molasses and honey
  • fructose latin word for frui fructus also known as levulose
  • galactose is different from glucose and fructose in such way that it does not freely occur in nature
  • galactose it is produced in the body through the digestion of a disccharide lactose
  • greek word for milk galact found as a component of lactose in milk
  • disccharide is contain two monosaccharide units bound together by a covalent bond known as glycosidic linkage
  • types of disscharide sucrose, lactose, maltose
  • disscharide molecular formula C12H22O11
  • sucrose is most common and most abundant disccharide
  • sucrose is compose of one molecule of each of the monosaccharide the glucose and fructose
  • sucrose also known as table sugar, mostly found in sugar and sugar cane
  • sucrose french word for sugar sucre
  • lactose is known as milk sugar
  • lactose containing glucose and galacatose
  • lactose be directly utilized by the body unless broken down into monosaccharide
  • lactose latin word for milk is lact