Tom exam

Cards (40)

  • Bussines tool - can be considered as any asset the help assist organization to achieve it's stated aims and objectives
  • Bussines tools
    Each business will need to develop criteria so as to identify which tools are to be monitored and therefore controlled to ensure that time and effort devoted to managing the proper and important tools
  • Once indentified, the tools need to be considered as a group and it is logical to provide a name for the list that recognises the importance of the group. Possible names could be:
    Portable and attractive tool
  • Portable and attractive tool
    This stated that the items is portable and probably does not have fixed location. It also states they are attractive, meaning they could be a target for theft or excessive use.
  • Significant Small Items
    This is very similar as the item is small so that can easily lost and they are significant to the business.
  • The Register
    A register of the tools that are owned and available within the business
  • The register
    • Needs sufficient information to ensure the tools are locatable and identifiable
    • Ensures the correct tool is identified
  • Storing the details
    1. Paper approach where all the details are recorded in a book - an asset register
    2. Stored under the control of an officer of the business
  • TOOL - Each tool needs to be described and identified, and this is especially important where there are multiples of the same tools.
  • Rules can be established for the various types of assets, but the description could include one or more the following:
    Brand or manufacturer
    Model or name
    Purchase date supplier
    Warranty expiry date
    Purchase price
    Serial number
    Assets number
    Warranty responsibility
  • Other non attached items that form tools such as:
    Power supply
  • Serial Number
    These are generally unique so that no to serial number should be the same and they will indentify each other.
  • Assets Number
    This advantage that the number can be created for each assets that has identification within the number
  • Barcodes
    Can be easily scanned to maintain records. These advantages of certainty and the elimination of data entry error.
  • Radio frequency identification tags

    These are electronic tags can be attached to items that will communicate with electronic scanning system that allow individual item to be identified while in the groups
  • Storage location
    A desk drawer, cupboard storage locker and cabinet. The location needs to indentifiable so there can certainty as to the tools correct storage location.
  • The business wed site
    Is an online platform that represents a company organization on the internet. It serves as a digital storefront where potential customers can learn about business, browse product or services, and make purchases
  • Software
    Is a set of instructions, data programs used to operate computers and execute specific task. It is opposite of hardware which describes that physical aspects of a computer.
  • Wiki
    Is a web based collaborative platform that enables users to store, create and motify content in an organized manner
  • Social networking
    The practice of using social network such as Facebook or LinkedIn, to form connection and communicate with other online.
  • Landline telephone
    A telephone that transmits signal s converted from audio data through physical Media, such as wire or fibre optic cable
  • Email
    Is a digital communication method that uses electronic devices to deliver message
  • Obtain and maintain bussines tools required to support workplace activities
  • Roster
    Allows users to plan for access and allow planning for events when the tool is being used by another.
  • Damage
    The business will need to establish rules and responsibilities for tools that are damage as results of negligent behavior by the user.
  • Storage business tools in accordance with enterprise procedures and to reduce theft and fraudulent activity
    Security tools
  • Swipe card access
    System can record each person that accesses the storage area and also the users that take the tools from the storage location
  • Password
    -Protection to restrict access
    -When considering access knowledge or information users can have security access attached to log in profile.
  • Security camera
    Can record handling and use of the tool in the area
  • Police check
    Individual may apply or authorise other to perform a police check that have been made against a person
  • Employment contracts
    Every employee is employed on the contract that sets out the term and condition of their employment including such terms as holiday, wages, hours of work.
  • Privacy
    Determine the nurture of the information that an employee can publish about the business and the guest of the business.
  • Internet
    Could include amount of time that is spend on private use such as personal emails, accessing non business related sites.
  • Lockable access
    Can be used to prevent access and enhance the possibility of the tool being available got later use
  • Audit
    Is the assessment of the processes that are in a place on how the business tools are monitored, controlled and use.
  • Stocktakes
    Can be performed on consumable resources to ensure there sufficient resources to meet the operational needs.
  • Information
    An important business tool in modern organization. Like other tools it needs protection from unauthorized use and access.
  • Legal implications
    Where information is disclosed various privacy acts and controls can impose penalties for the business and the individual for acts that breach the act.
  • Other methods of security include a selection of the following :
    Swipe card access Password
    Security camera
    Police checks
    Employment contracts
    Privacy Internet
    Lockable access
    Legal implications