Cards (18)

  • Things to consider when planning for writing your speech
    1. Audience Profile
    2. Logical Organization
    3. Duration
    4. Word Choice
    5. Grammatical Correctness
  • Audience profile - analyzing your audience will help you discover the information you can use to build a connection between you and members of your audience
  • Logical Organization - the logical organization helps the readers move smoothly from one sentence to the next
  • three parts of written speech
    1. introduction
    2. body
    3. conclusion
  • introduction - most crucial part of the speech, only 10 to 15 percent of the time speaker spends speaking
  • wrench (2012) claims that a good introduction serves five functions:
    1. you should be able to gain audience attention and interest
    2. states the purpose of your speech
    3. establishes your credibility
    4. provide reasons for your audience to listen
    5. preview the main idea of your speech
  • body - flores (2016) stated that the body is the core part of the speech, addresses the main ideas and principles of the speech
  • methods of organization
    1. problem solution
    2. categorical/topical
    3. chronological
    4. comparison and contrast
    5. spatial/geographical
    6. causal
  • problem solution - it explains the problem and suggests a possible solution
  • categorical/topical - divides the topic into subtopics based on the importance or interest value
  • chronological - historical approach, presents idea in time order
  • comparison and contrast - presents comparison and contrast of two or three points
  • spatial/geographical - going from one place to another
  • causal - involves a discussion of both cause and effect of an issue
  • duration - no matter how long the speech is, always divide it into five parts: an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion
  • word choice - the speaker should carefully use the correct word in writing the speech
  • words to be avoided in a written speech (tandoc, 2016)
    1. Jargons
    2. redundancy
    3. language inappropriate for the audience
    4. language inappropriate for the occasion
  • grammatical correctness - use correct grammar to prevent misunderstanding and misinterpretation between you and the audience.