Psychological testing - involves systematic measurement and evaluation of a person's psychological attributes to gain insights about a person's mental functioning.
It assessesaspects of human psychology such as; cognitive abilities, personalitytraits,emotionalstate, and mental health conditioning.
Psychological test also has standardized procedure and scoring guidelines to ensure consistency and objectivity of the assessment process.
Test is a tool or instrument that is used for collecting data of a person's psychological attributes.
Components of a test are : questions or stimuli, responses, scoring, and interpretation.
Questions and stimuli can be given as questions, images, scenarios and statements that will elicit certain responses.
Pen & paper
Physicalmaterials such as questionnaires, answersheets, scoringguides
Pen & paper tests
Tests administered through computers
Computer-based tests
Immediate feedback
Responses can be through forms of answering questions whether written or verbal or it can be base on the answers given
Responses can be through performance depending on the given stimuli or question
Scoring is done through predetermined guidelines.
Scoring also involves assigning numericalvalues, categorizingresponses, and using qualitativeassessments to interpret the content of the response.
Interpretations are the conclusions that are drawn from the data about a person's psychologicalattributes.
Interpretations are guided by established norms, analyticalanalyses, and expertjudgement.
Oraltest are administered orally, especially in clinical and interview settings. This allows realtimeinteractions and clarifyingquestions.
Performance basedtest are test that are performed rather than answering questions. Such examples are Dexterity test where individuals manipulateobjects or it can be role-playing to test an individuals socialskills.