Elements present in Carbohydrates - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Monosaccharides - simplest carbohydrates
Glucose - sugar found in blood
Fructose - fruit sugar and honey
Disaccharides - made of two monosaccharides bonded together
Sucrose - table sugar
Lactose - milk sugar
Maltose - found in grains
Polysaccharides - made of long chain of monosaccharides
Cellulose - structural material of plant cell walls
Chitin - structural material of insect exoskeletons
Glycogen - animal starch, stored in liver and muscles
Starch - found in root crops and rice
Function of Carbohydrates - Energy source and structural function
Fatty acids - Building blocks of Lipids; long hydrophobic or water insoluble hydrocarbon chain
Saturated fatty acids - no double bonds in carbon chain
Unsaturated fatty acids - with one or more double bonds in carbon chain
Elements present in Lipids - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Triglycerides - made of 3 fatty acids and glycerol molecule
Waxes - hydrophobic lipids used in water-proofing surfaces
Steroids - group of lipids whose carbon skeletons contain three hexagonal carbon rings and one pentagonal carbon ring. Ex. estrogen, progesterone, cholesterol
Phospholipids - components of cell membranes
Amino Acids - Building blocks of Proteins
Essential amino acids - obtained by humans from foods
Non-essential amino acids - can be produced by human cells
Elements present in Proteins - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Primary Structure - chain of amino acids
Secondary Structure - with 2-dimensional structure (helices of sheets)
Tertiary Structure - combination of many secondary structure proteins
Quaternary structure - fully functional proteins
Nucleotides - Building blocks of Nucleic Acids
Elements present in NucleicAcids - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus
DNA - double stranded chain of nucleotides
RNA - single stranded chain of nucleotides
Isomers - compounds with same chemical formula but different in structure