p1 - both Atwood and Duffy underline that opposing ideas and values can lead to hypocrisy. in 'the handmaids tale' Atwood depicts the hypocrisy of the commanders in establishing jezebels, a brothel that contradicts the ideas of chastity and reproduction these same men instigated. male hypocrisy and opposition is also clear in duffs poem 'beautiful' as Duffy criticises the degradation of women in the public eye, opposing the admiration and fame they had garnered in life.
p2 - both Atwood and Duffy portray opposing ideas across time, with modern and traditional values in conflict. in the 'handmaids tale' Luke and the commander revere traditional values evident in their desire to be a care-taking figure for offred. these ideas were prominent in RonaldReagan presidency, contemporary to the books publication. in 'feminine gospels' Duffy celebrates a paradigm shift- the rejection of old thoughts- depicted in 'the laughter of Stafford girls high' through the schools closure.
p1 ' our littleclub'
p1 ' you can't cheat nature' 'nature demands variety for men'
p1 ' act like a fuckingprincess...smile cunt'
p1 'history's stinking breath in her face'
p1 'our little club' - adjective little undermines the severity of the hypocrisy, euphemisms the truenature of jezebels and its exploitation of women. collectivepronouns 'our' shows all commanders and involved. role of women in jezebels are taken from handmaids to prostitutes, but are essentially the same role.
p1 ' you can't cheat nature' ' naturedemands variety for men'. - invalidates women's wants and needs, blames nature by personification, men do receive variation through the different handmaids
p1 ' act like a fucking princess........ smile cunt' - expletives contradict the adoringtone in stanza, despite fame they still face degradation, pasttense 'loved' reminds audience of her death and the effects of public and press, mirrors princess diana
p1 ' history'sstinking breath in her face'. - connotations of unpleasantness, reflective of the nature of society and how they degrade women, images on invasiveness shows how involved the press are in peoples lives. all women in poem have faced similar encounters shows noprogression in treatment of women
p2 ' that's not reallatin'. ' you know how schoolboys are'
p2 ' Luke was at the meat counter... men need moremeat than women'
p2 ' windowstall and thin......watery names'
p2 ' smallcoffins/ of lessons... tombstones of learning'
p2 ' that's not reallatin' ' you know how schoolboys are' - latin taught at elite private schools, honest with offred, views her as an intellectualequal but also able to understand and excuse the questionable humour of school boys
p2 ' Luke was at the meat counter.... he said menneeded more meat than women'. -source of protein and strength, traditional gender expectations, strong protectors of the homestead, comparative, gatekeeping of nutrition shows male supremacy
p2 ' windows tall and thin.....watery names' - symbol of opportunity, daydreaming as a way of escapism, separation from world through restricted curriculum, 'watery' is humorous conveys insignificance
p2 ' small coffins/of lessons.....tombstones of learning' - gothic imagery, abandonment by students, erosion of education, connotes a tone of grievance which contrasts girls celebratory tone, caesura no return to this old style of learning
p2 context- Ronald Reagan in 80s promoted the traditional nuclear family ideals suggesting it was the best environment for children. family hierachy
p1 ao5- marxist view critical of capitalism and public exploitation of women in the public eye