Cards (35)

  • Hue- refers to the color
  • By changing the hue, you can essentially change the color of an object without taking away any of the shading properties.
  • Hue/saturation can be found in the Pop-up Menu
    • adjustment layers can paint masks at any point in the process to modify the selection
  • left bracket- to decrease
  • right bracket- to increase quick selection tool
  • Painting tools - for refining, you can edit a mask by painting black and white
  • if you look at the Layers panel you created, you can see a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer that has a mask thumbnail to the right of the layer thumbnail
  • You can activate this mask separately and then use painting tools to refine it
  • Background(in Layers panel) - to return to normal view
  • White - Foreground color \
  • Black - Background color
  • Letter X - for swapping foreground and background color.
  • Letter D - for default colors (black and white)
  • Adjusting the Hue/Saturation layer
    Click once on the adjustment layer thumbnail to reopen the Hue/Saturation information
    inthe Properties panel.
  • Fill Layer - to add a pattern and apply it to an image
  • This gives you the ability to scale the pattern, as well as adjust the opacity and blending modes.
  • Defining the Pattern
    By using this, you can create a pattern out of any pixel information that you can select
    with Rectangular Marquee
  • Choose Edit > Define Pattern
  • Smart Objects allow you to transform pixel-based layers in new ways: you can scale, transform, and warp images without permanently destroying the original image data.
  • Edit > Free transform - to turn the transform bounding box again
  • Ctrl + T (shortcut)
  • Converting A layer to a Smart Object
    Choose Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object
  • Placing A Smart Object
    Place feature - to import an image as a Smart Object.
  • Layer > Smart Objects > New Smart Objects Via Copy
    -For duplicating layers
  • Rasterize - to revert back from smart object to standard. You can modify rasterized layer
  • Non-destructive - editing original pixel data remains
  • When you use adjustments, the original pixel data won’t be changed
  • Choose Edit > Transform > Warp.
    -for warping effect
    • When using smart objects, layers can be transformed many times without resampling
    • You can convert existing layers to Smart Objects rather than opening the original images again as a Smart Objects
    • Smart Objects can be resized without loss of detail.
    • When a layer is a Smart Object, Photoshop preserves the original content of the source file by embedding it into the current file.
    • We can also edit the contents of the embedded Smart object without changing its Smart Object status
    • Using the Smart Object layer, multiple layers can be modified at the same time.