It is believed that tests and testing programs first came into being here as early as 2200 BCE
Attempts to categorize people in terms of personality types (humoral theory)
During this period, psychological assessment in the modern sense began to emerge.
He anticipated psychology as a science and psychological measurement as a specialty within that science.
Christian Van Wolff
He aspired to classify people according to their natural gifts and to ascertain their deviation from average.
Francis Galton
Who spurred scientific interest in individual difference.
Charles Darwin
He developed the product-moment correlation technique.
Karl Pearson
He focused on how people were similar not different.
Wilhelm Max Wundt
He dealt with individual difference specifically in reaction time. He also coined the term "mental test".
James McKeen Cattell
He originated the concept of test reliability.
Charles Spearman
He collaborated with Binet on papers to suggest how mental tests can be used to measure higher-mental process.
Victor Henri
He was an early experimenter with the word association technique as a formal test.
Emil Kraepelin
Little-known founder of clinical psychology.
Lightner Witmer
The birth of first formal tests of intelligence.
Early 1900s
They published a 30-item measuring scale of intelligence designed to help identify Paris school children with intellectual disability.
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon
"The aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment" was the definition of intelligence offered by
David Weschler
A personality test for civilian use that was based on Personal Data Sheet.
Woodworth Psychoneurotic Inventory
This refers to a process whereby assessees themselves supply assessment related information by responding to questions, keeping a diary, or self-monitoring thoughts or behaviors.
It is a test in which an individual is assumed to "project" onto some ambiguous stimulus his or her own unique needs, fears, hopes, and motivation.
Projective Test
The best known of all projective test.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
A test designed for use with people from one culture but not from another.
Culture-specific tests
Issues About Culture and Assessment
Verbal Communication
Non-verbal Communication and Behavior
Standards of Evaluation
It is the voluntary and mandatory efforts undertaken by federal, state, local governments to combat discrimination and to promote equal opportunity for all in education and employment.
Affirmative action
Defines the standard of care expected of members of that profession.
Code of Professional Ethics
The level at which the average, reasonable, and prudent professional would provide diagnostic or therapeutic services under the same or similar conditions.
Standard of care
A selection procedure whereby a fixed number of % of applicants from certain backgrounds were selected.
Quota system
It refers to the consequence of an employer's hiring or promotion practice that was intentionally devised to yield some discriminatory result or outcome.
Disparate treatment
It can adequately be administered, scored, and interpreted with the aid of the manual and a general orientation to the kind of institution or organization in which one is working.
-No license required, teacher-mode tests.
This require some technical knowledge of test construction and use and of supporting psychological and educational fields such as statistics, individual differences, psychology of adjustment, personnel psychology, and guidance.
This require substantial understanding of testing and supporting psychological fields together with supervised experience in the use of these devices.