It holds that an individual supplies structure to unstructured stimuli in a manner consistent with the individual's own unique pattern of conscious and unconscious needs, fears, desires, impulses, conflicts, and ways of perceiving and responding.
A technique of personality assessment in which some judgment of the assessee's personality is made on the basis of performance on a task that involves supplying some sort of structure to unstructured or incomplete stimuli.
May be defined as a semi-structured, individually administered, projective technique of personality assessment that involves the presentation of a list of stimulus words.
A projective technique of personality assessment that involves the presentation of a list of words that begin a sentence and the assessee's task is to respond by finishing each sentence with whatever word or words come to mind.
A generic term that may be defined broadly as a class of psychophysiological assessment technique to gauge, display, ad record a continuous monitoring of selected biological processes such as pulse and blood pressure.