May be defined as the rate (annual, monthly, week, daily, etc.) of the new occurrences of a particular disorder or condition in a particular population.
May be defined as the approximate proportion of individuals in a given population at a given point in time who have been diagnosed or otherwise labeled with a particular disorder or condition.
A multidisciplinary approach to assessment that includes exploration of relevant biological, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental variables for the purpose of evaluating how such variables may have contributed to the development and maintenance of a presenting problem.
Expressions of understanding, acceptance, empathy, love advice, guidance, care, concern, or trust from friends, family, community caregivers, or others in one's social environment.
An approach to evaluation that is keenly perceptive of and responsive to issues if acculturation, values, identity, worldview, language, and other culture-related variables as they may impact the evaluation process or the interpretation of resulting data.
Refer to a failure on the part of an adult responsible for the care of a child to exercise a minimum degree of care in providing the child with food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care, and supervision.
May be defined as the international affliction of physical, emotional, financial, or other harm on an older individual who meets the statutory age requirement for an elder.
Used to stigmatize those pseudo successful clinical procedures in which personality descriptions from tests are made to fit the patient largely or wholly by virtue of their triviality.