Cards (18)

  • Variable - temporary storage for values and expressions
  • Expressions -formulas that uses mathematical symbols
  • Declaring a Variable:
    • var
    • case-sensitive
    • begin with a letter or an underscore
    ex: 1st- not accepted
    first- accepted
    var_1st - accepted
  • Avoid using reserved words
    > reserved by JS
  • Data Types:
    Integer - whole number
    Float - decimal point
    String - words
    Boolean - true or false
  • Arithmetic Operation
    > tell the expression what operation to be done
  • We can use addition to combine words. This is called "concatenation"
  • Modulus
    > like division but answer is a reminder. if theres no reminder, the answer is zero.
    ex: 15%4=3
  • Increment ++ plus 1
    decrement -- minus 1
  • x=5 y=7 z=0
    1. x=y++ -------> x=7 y=8
    2. x=++y ------> x=8, y=8
    3. z=x++ * ++y -----------> x=6, y=8, z=40
  • Comparison Statement
    > evaluate the equality or difference between values or variables
  • = - assigning x=3
    == - equal to 3==3
    === - value and data type 5===5(same value, same data type)
  • 3!=2 - (3 is not equal to 2) True
    3!=3 - (3 is equal not to 3) False
    3>2 - (3 is greater than two) True
  • Logical Operators
    > logic between expressions, variables etc.
  • && and - true if both conditions are true
    - False if one condition is false
    II or - true even if only one condition is true
    - false if both conditions are false
    ! not - flips answer ex: !(3>2) ----> !(T) {not true}
  • String literals are text enclosed in pairs of
    quotation marks.
  • Numeric digits that are inside the quotation
    marks will be considered as a string and will
    lose then its numeric value.
  • If the characters are not enclosed in
    quotation marks, JavaScript might interpret
    the characters as an object or a function.