Based on a system of markets that allocate resources and allow private property rights and freedom of enterprise
Planned economy
Based on government ownership of most resources and the allocation of these resources according to government planningpriorities
Market economies
Do not attempt to distribute outputequally within society
Provide people with income as a reward for their contribution to the production process
The higher the contribution, the higher the level of individualincome
The problem with this system of distribution is that it can be unfair, particularly for people who are unable to contribute to production because of illness, age or disability
Pricing Systems
In market economies, once you have bought something, the ownership of the good transfers from the seller to the consumer
Systems Without Prices
Goods and services are able to be distributed and exchanged without the use of money (barter)
Factors of production
Land, labour, capital and enterprise
Provision of Income
1. Goods and services are produced by using a combination of resources
2. Factor incomes paid to the owners of the factors of production are determined by the quality and quantity of resources that are used in production
The economic measure of output per unit of input. Input includes labour and capital while output is measured as either revenue from sales or manufactured stock.
The process of combining various FoP to make a good or service.
Quality of life
Depends on the quality and quantity of material and non-materialgoods and services in the economy and community
Final income
Gross income - tax - social wage - indirect taxes
Money cominginto the economy
Money goingout of the economy
When leakages and injections are equal
The economy is in equilibrium
Contracting: leakages > injections
Expanding: leakages < injections
What are the leakages in the circular flow of economy?
Savings, taxation and imports
What are the injections in the circular flow of the economy?
Investments, government spending, exports
When there is no tendency for levels of income, expenditure and output to change
Circular Flow of Income
The economy is a continuous cycle, operating on the inter-relationships of various economic sectors. These sectors are dependent on each other to maintain operations on an economy.
What to Produce?
An economic system responds to society's scale of preferences for certain goods or services over others. If resources are allocated efficiently, consumer wants and needs are satisfied and producers maximise profits.
How much to produce?
Quantities of goods or services to be produced depending on the level and pattern of consumer demand and availability of resources
How to produce?
The method of production to be used, depending on state of technological progress and resource availability