"Athene put courage into her heart and took the fear from her limbs"
"Odysseus considered whether he should throw his arms round the beautiful girl's knees and beg for help or just keep his distance and beg with all courtes"
"Princess, I am at your knees" (Odysseus)
"It is of Artemis" (Odysseus)
"Thrice-blessed indeed are your father and lady mother" (Odysseus)
"A fine army at my back" (Odysseus)
"May the gods grant you your heart's desire; may they give you a husband and a home" (Odysseus)
"The gods are too fond of us for that" (Nausicaa)
"She enodwed his head and shoulders with beauty"
"I wish I could have a man like him for my husband" (Nausicaa)
"I am afraid they might give me a bad name" (Nausicaa)
"I should blame any girl who... associated with men before being properly married" (Nausicaa)
"Clasp my mother's knees if you wish to see that day of your homecoming" (Nausicaa)
Griffin on the Phaecians
They serve as a transition between the fantasy world and human world