DL Pros and Cons

Cards (10)

  • Advantages of DL:
    1. Saves parliament time
    2. Specialist Knowledge
    3. Local Knowledge
    4. Numerous controls
  • Disadvantages of DL:
    1. Partially undemocratic
    2. DL can be complex
    3. Voluminous
    4. Not always effective
    P: Saves parliament time
    E: PLM = long process
    E: technical supplements to Acts
    L: Parliament can focus on national issues
    P: Specialist knowledge
    E: specific government department
    E: PACE [1984], Police Codes of Practice.
    L: SIs are complex supplementary materials
    P: Local knowledge
    E: Local authorities
    E: Bylaws
    L: Parliament lack local knowledge
    P: Numerous Controls
    E: In place when DL is made
    E: Affirmative Resolutions
    L: Ought to not be bad DL
    P: Partially undemocratic
    E: unelected civil servants.
    E: 2012, SI restricted rights of immigrants
    L: not reflective of public opinion
    P: DL can be complex
    E: hard to interpret
    E: Rogers v Swindon NHS, “exceptional case”
    L: confusing for the public
    P: Voluminous
    E: over 3000 a year
    E: The British Airports Authority bylaw, sports equipment
    L: expected to abide by unpublicised law
    P: ineffective controls
    E: there are limitations.
    E: Negative Resolutions: Laws enforced unless rejected
    L: bad law