
Cards (39)

  • pre-economic change: 1166, the de Bermingham family purchased a...

    royal charter that allowed them to hold a market
  • pre-economic change: by medieval Birmingham...
    metal working was already well established
    - the Black Country to the west provided the raw materials
  • pre-economic change: population in the early 1700s
  • pre-economic change: the middle classes increased as...

    service sectors developed (law, banking)
  • pre-economic change: clearly differentiated...
    housing areas based on socio-economic status
  • pre-economic change: in the early 20th century...

    the vehicle industry expanded
  • pre-economic change: survived the Great Depression due to...
    the diversity of metal-working industries
  • industrial revolution change and key players: Matthew Boulton, entrepreneur and...
    engineer, established the first factory in the world in 1761
    - 'Soho Manufactory' brought 700 employees under one roof with complete industrial processes
  • industrial revolution change and key players: Cadbury family set up...

    their Bourneville factory and model village for the workers on the southeast outskirts of the city
  • industrial revolution change and key players: Lloyds and Midland banks...

    were founded in Birmingham in the mid 19th century
  • economic change 1900-1950s + key players: car plant
    Austin car plant, opened in 1906 at Longbridge
  • economic change 1900-1950s + key players: 1917...
    Dunlop car company established a large factory which employed 10,000 people by the 1950s
  • economic change 1900-1950s + key players: specific industry type that was developed
    a chemical industry was developed
  • economic change 1900-1950s + key players: Birmingham sustained...
    economic growth throughout the first half of the 20th century, accompanied by continuous population growth
  • impacts on people and place: large areas of... (social)
    terraced housing built for workers in the many industries were squeezed into spaces between factories
  • impacts on people and place: the middle class who could... (demographic)

    afford to commute helped drive urban expansion
  • impacts on people and place: until the 1950s, Birmingham's population was... (cultural)
    majority white
  • impacts on people and place: employment was dominanted by... (demographic)
    males; 60% had skilled jobs such as precision engineers
  • impacts on people and place: inter-war areas such as... (social)
    Northfield included some of the largest local authority housing estates in the country, for example Kingstanding
  • impacts on people and place: inner city areas mainly comprised of... (social)
    poor quality , high density housing
  • impacts on people and place: decades of... (environmental)

    industrial activity caused high levels of air and water pollution
  • economic change post war + key players: industrial...
  • economic change post war + key players: unemployment reached...
    19.4% in 1982
  • economic change post war + key players: caught up in the global recession of...
    the 1970s, oil crisis of 1973 most significant impact
  • economic change post war + key players: 1973 Arab-Israeli war, used...
    oil supplies as a weapon against the west, prices increased 10x
  • economic change post war + key players: Birmingham's traditional industries already suffering from...
    increasing overseas competition in countries with lower production costs
  • economic change post war + key players: by 1970s...
    British vehicle industry in decline, despite rising levels of car ownership
  • economic change post war + key players: foreign-based TNCs, particularly...

    Japanese car manufacturers began to break into the British car market
    - their products were more reliable and better value for money
  • economic change post war + key players: some overseas car manufacturers established...
    factories but not in the west Midlands
    - locations were strongly influenced by grants from central govt
    - aim was to create employment in regions with worse problems than Birmingham
  • economic change post war + key players: within the car industry...
    strikes were frequent in the 1970s
    - made Birmingham less attractive to potential investors
  • recent regeneration: government
    local govt promoted the city region, attracting inward investment to bring about the construction of the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) and the expansion of the adjoining Birmingham International Airport, both to the west of the city
  • recent regeneration: planning has brought about physical change, i.e....
    more public spaces were developed in the centre such as Centenary Square
  • recent regeneration: flagship development, funded in part by the EU, was the...

    International Convention Centre and Symphony Hall opened in 1991- home to the city of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
    - multiplier effect - hostels and restaurants benefitting from visitors
  • recent regeneration: universities
    combined student population of 50,000
  • recent regeneration: transport
    HS2, £20bn phase 1 links London to Birmingham
  • recent regeneration impacts on people + place: universities
    large student population contributes to the city's relatively youthful profile
  • recent regeneration impacts on people + place: HS2, to bring further...
    socio-economic change to Birmingham, stimulate employment growth, and make it only 50 minutes from London- more attractive for investors
  • recent regeneration impacts on people + place: high quality...
    street furniture and trees. canals have been overseen more by the Canal and River Trust as well as the local govt
  • recent regeneration impacts on people + place: the Bull Ring Shopping Centre

    one of the country's leading retail centres
    - Europe's first major indoor shopping centre