Feed is any material or processed to be fed to livestock and poultry to sustain life
Feed affects farm productivity and farm profitability. It accounts for as much as 80% of the total farm expenses.
A good knowledge of feeds influences the success or failure of the livestock and poultry farm
The goal of knowing feed is to give you a insights about when and how to use different feeds sustainable for different species and classes of farm animals
Feedstuff is another term can be used interchangeably with feeds
Basic Function of Feeds
To provide nutrients for:
Energy production
Regulation of body processes and formation of body-produced regulators
Building and maintenance of body structure
Classification of Feeds
Feed Supplements
Feed Additives
Roughage - contains more than 18% crude fiber but low in energy content (<60% TDN)
Crude fiber are insoluble carbohydrates fraction. Example of this are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) is the relative energy value of the feed
Formula for TDN:
TDN=digestible protein + digestible fiber + (digestible fat x 2.25) +digestible nitrogen free extract
Grass is a type of roughage that belongs to Poacaea family. Commonly have 6-10 crudeprotein and <0.9%calcium content
Legumes and other forage are also type of roughage that contains >10.5 crude protein and >0.9 calcium content
Guinea grass has presence of trichomes in nodes
Para grass (Bachiariamutica) - has a presence of trichomes in whole culm
Napier grass (Pennisetumpurpureum) - rough leaves with no trichomes in culm
Star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) - has a presence of roots at nodes
Alabang X has a presence of trichomes at nodes
Example of Legumes:
Madre de cacao (Gliricidiasepium)
Example of other forages:
Madre de agua (Trichanthera gigantea)
Trichomes - hair-like structures that cover the surface of the leaf.
Hay - forage harvested during the growing period and dried for later use
Cropresidue - are crop by-products left in the field after harvesting of the major crop. Example of this are rice straw and corn stover
Silage are fermented forage stored in anaerobic condition in silo
Soilage - fresh herbage cut and chopped in the field and offered to animals in confinement
Concentrates are feeds that are high in energy content (>60%TDN) but low in fiber ranging from <18% crude fiber
Example of concentrates are Energy feeds and Protein feeds
Energy feeds contains medium to high energy but has less than 18% crude protein. Example of this are cereal grains, milling by-products and processed tubers.
Ground corn - is the entire corn kernel either ground or chopped
Wheat grain or Feed wheat refers to the entire wheat kernel including its hulls
Sorghumgrains includes hegari, kafir, milo grains
Ricebran is composed of pericarp or bran layer of rice and germ which are removed from rice grains
Cassavameal is also known as tapioca or manioc. A fresh tubers contain anti-nutritional factor called hydrocyanic acid (HCN) or prussic acid
Proteinfeeds are type of concentrates having greater than 20% crude proteins or higher
Animal protein feeds are by-products from meat packaging, dairy processing and marine industries
Tankage and meat meal - scraps froms inedible parts, and organs of meat. Example of this is pork meal
Fishmeal - obtained from ground tissue of undecomposed whole fish or fish cutting with or without the extraction of oil
Plant protein feeds - end products of oil extraction of group of seeds
Soybeanmeal is an example of plant protein meal that obtain by grinding the cake or flakes of soybean after the extraction of oil
Full-fatsoybeanmeal obtained by extrusion of whole soybean seeds without the removal of any of its components