Hazards - A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic disruption or environmental damage.
Geologicalhazards- occur on the Earth's crust. These hazards pose a threat to life and property. These could be caused by, but not limited to, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.
Hydrometeorologicalhazards - could be atmospheric, hydrological, or oceanographic in nature. They could potentially cause loss of life and damage to property and disrupt normal living conditions and provision for services.
Biologicalhazards- refer to threat from viruses or bacteria, medical wastes, microbiological samples, or toxic chemicals of biological origin that can cause harm to human life.
Technological hazards- can be industrial in origin. They may be results from accidents, collapsed structures, and explosions in the industries.
Socio-natural hazards - are the result of the interaction of a natural hazard with overexploited land or other environmental resources.
EXPOSURE - Exposure is viewed as the total value of elements at risk. It is expressed as the number of human lives and the value of the properties that can potentially be affected.
Vulnerability - The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system, or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard arising from various physical, social, economic and environmental factors.
Physicalvulnerability - Refers to the physical structure of the community such as BUILDINGS, INFRASTRUCTURES, CRITICAL FACILITIES AND AGRICULTURE.
Social vulnerability - Vulnerability depending on the people’s class, occupation, caste, ethnicity, gender, disability, health status, age etc.
Economicvulnerability - Measures the risk of hazards causing losses to economic assets and processes. It focuses on evaluating DIRECT LOSS, INDIRECT LOSS AND ECONOMIC DAMAGE POTENTIALS.
Environmental - The fragility or vulnerability of an ecosystem. Different kinds of environment varies in term of coping with and recovering from different hazard.
Emergency management refers to the ability of an individual or institution to prevent or mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis.