ARTIST - involved in a process of adventure and discovery in working with his/her medium
ARTISAN - concerned exclusively with the manipulation of material to produce expected design
Technique is only a means to an end.
Technique is an end in itself.
What are the difference between artist and artisans? (Shapiro,1976)
according to Hegel, an artist is a conceptualthinker, activity is intentional and self-conscious. on the other hand, an artisan acts in instinctive and mechanical terms.
What are the differences between artist and an artisan? (ortiz et al.,1976)
Both have roles in production of arts. Artists learn from artisans, and artisans learn from artists.
3 parts of Production Process
ideation process of the artist
may take time or be quick
sometimes seep into production stage
may not necessarily be fully formulated
may overlap with production
Execution of the artwork
May vary depending on medium and technique of the artist
May overlap with preproduction
allowing the artwork to set, tweaking artwork, preparing artwork for transport and display, and promotion and inclusion of artworks publication and discussion.
consideration of how the finished artwork will be circulated and accepted by the audience
who are involved in the art world?
-individuals and groups that participated in the art world.
who are involved in the art world?
artist and artist group are producer of artworks.
artist group are social fellowship
is a formal institution for instruction about art practice.
1st academy, AcademiadeDibujoyPintura, established by Damian Domingo.
ArtWriters (Art Historians, Art Critics) Art historians and art critics write about art.
The main aim of art historians is to
contextualize artworks in their place and time in history.
Art critics write about art to help
the public understand and
appreciate art.
are the patrons of art.
— They buy finished artworks or
commission artists to create
specific artworks for their desired purposes.
(organizations, even independent projects) focused on the development and/or preservation of art.
- They may be private organizations or government-mandated organizations They can be housed in the academe or in art museums or galleries.
ArtMuseums and Galleries
— are common platforms for exhibitions of art.
They house important artworks and artifacts.
― responsible for organizing exhibitions in galleries or
responsible for researching
and developing themes for exhibitions.
Responsible for coordinating
with artists.
- is the general audience of the art world.
Today, the art scene is continuously opening itself to the public from small shows by independent groups to grand exhibitions by big names in the industry