
Cards (20)

  • Classical liberalism
    The earliest liberal tradition, emerging during the transition from feudalism to capitalism, and reaching a high point in the 19th century
  • Classical liberalism
    • Reaction to religious conformity and the ascribed statuses of feudal society
    • Began in the UK, where the industrial revolution was most advanced
    • Some classical liberal ideas have increased in popularity in recent decades, namely neoliberalism, which is a return to classical liberal economics
  • Negative freedom
    Individuals should, as far as possible, be free from government interference
  • Egotistical individualism
    Freedom is associated with self-interest and self-reliance
  • Self-government
    Own power to rule themselves
  • Minimal state
    The state lays down the conditions but, does not get involved. State's role = maintain order and protect citizens
  • Laissez-faire capitalist economy
    Allows for personal freedom and provides benefits
  • Modern liberalism
    Arose as a reaction to the effects of capitalism, which had created large inequalities of wealth and social circumstance
  • Enabling state
    State helps to protect individual freedoms by exercising a wider range of social and economic responsibilities than a minimal state
  • Positive freedom
    The ability of individuals to decide what they can or can't/will or won't do, as they have been allowed to develop their potential
  • Negative freedom

    The absence of restrictions on an individual's freedom to act, by bodies such as the state
  • Necessary evil
    Liberals believe the state is necessary to preserve individual freedom, despite the dangers of government power
  • Constitution
    A set of rules that sets out duties, powers and functions for various institutions of government
  • Classical liberal views on human nature
    • Egotistical individualism - our human nature is self centered
    • Even though we are selfish individuals we can still care about others because we are rational creatures
    • Both men and women aren't fixed in human nature therefore allowed to flourish
  • Modern liberal views on human nature
    • Developmental individualism
    • We can sympathise with people less fortunate than us
    • Culture and society target women and hold them back
    • Mankind is selfish but also empathetic
  • Harm principle
    Idea that individuals should be free to do anything except harm other individuals
  • Minimal state

    Role of the state must be restricted in order to preserve individual liberty
  • Enabling state
    A larger state role helps individuals achieve their potential and be free
  • Laissez-faire capitalism

    An economic system, organised by the market, where goods are produced for exchange and profit, and wealth is privately owned
  • Keynesianism
    Economics requires government involvement to stimulate economy and achieve full employment and price stability