Cards (28)

  • subject + verb + object - is the structure of active voice.
  • object + verb + subject - is the structure of passive voice.
  • active voice - the subject is the doer of the action.
  • passive voice - the subject is the receiver of the action.
  • journalistic writing - A style of writing used by journalists to inform and entertain readers.
  • The elements of Journalistic writing
    1. accuracy
    2. clarity
    3. readability
    4. objectivity
    5. brevity
    6. timeliness
  • Journalistic writing - designed to inform the reader about current events or issues, while other types of writing can be used to express a range of topics, from fiction to opinion pieces.
  • Accuracy -Journalists must research to verify, and double-check the accuracy of their facts and infromation.
  • Objectivity - Journalists must strive to present their stories without any personal bias or agenda.
  • Readability -Journalists must use proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting their stories.
  • Clarity - Journalists must avoid using overly technical language and jargon, and organize their stories in a logical way.
  • Clarity - Journalists must write in a way that is easy for their readers to understand.
  • Brevity - Practice of writing in a succinct and concise manner.
  • Timeliness - Practice of providing news and information to the public in a timely manner.
  • Brevity - Journalists use clear, direct language, and avoid unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Timeliness - This includes providing news that is up-to-date, accurate, and relevant to current events.
  • The different types of journalistic text.
    1. news stories
    2. feature stories
    3. editorial stories
    4. review
    5. investigative
  • News stories - Reports on current events, often focusing on issues of public interest.
  • Feature - Longer, in-depth pieces that explore a particular topic or issue from multiple angles.
  • Editorial - Opinion pieces written by journalists to express their views on a particular issue, event, or topic.
  • Review - Partly opinion and partly fact based.
  • Investigative - It seeks to uncover important information that has been hidden from public view.
  • Investigative - Typically used to expose misconduct or wrongdoing, uncover hidden truths, or shine a light on issues that the public might not otherwise know about.
  • Review -It accurately describes or identifies the subject being reviewed. It also provides an intelligent and informed opinion of the subject, based on research and experience.
  • Editorial - The stories may provide analysis and commentary, present facts and figures, or offer solutions to a problem. Usually published in newspapers, magazines, and online news sites.
  • Feature - They are usually written in a narrative style, with a focus on the people involved and their stories.
  • News - They can include information from any stage of the news gathering process, from the initial reporting of events to the final analysis of their significance. It can take a variety of forms, including features, analysis pieces, interviews, editorials, and investigative pieces.
  • The structure of journalistic writing
    1. The lead
    2. The body
    3. The tail