The background of both the sender and the receiver of the message, including their education, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, and beliefs that greatly influence what and how they communicate
The environment where communication takes place, involving tangible factors which can be easily perceived by the senses, such as temperature, humidity, odor, lighting, and noise level
The emotions and feelings of the participants in the communication process, involving their opinions, judgments, prejudices, attitudes and perception towards each other
The sets of beliefs, value systems, guiding principles, and assumptions based on one's race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, identity and religion within which communication happens
Dimensions that affect communication, as adapted by Verderber et al. (2015) from the early works of EdwardT.Hall, and more recently, by GerardHendrik (Geert) Hofstede
Low-context culture views explicit words as way to convey messages, while high-context culture uses subtle non-verbal behaviors and implicit information to convey meaning
Monochronic advocates punctuality, timely completion of tasks, and one accomplishment of task at a time. Polychronic culture has a more fluid and flexible concept of time.