Cards (4)

  • * practical uses in real world?
    • as a result of her findings loftus believes leading questions can have distorting effect on memory that police officers need to be very careful about how they phrase questions when interviewing witnesses
    • * ecological
    • research into leading questions has allowed police to develop new interviewing techniques which avoid language that may affect certain answers
    • overall leads to more accurate recall in court
    • can have further economic implications for society by reducing amount of wrongful convictions
  • X artificial research?
    • participants in loftus & palmer watched clips of car accidents
    • this is very different experience from witnessing a real accident as watching a vid is less emotionally arousing than witnessing it in real life
    • ? ecological
    • artificial materials used to study these factors may not provide us with accurate representation of how our memory would be influenced in recall of real events
    • difficult to generalise findings to real life situations of ewt
  • X affected by own age bias?
    • anastasi & rhodes 2006 investigated individuals from 3 diff age groups were shown photos & asked them to rate on attractiveness
    • 18-25 35-45 55-78
    • were later given photo recognition task & asked to identify faces that they have already seen & rated earlier on
    • all age groups were accurate identifying faces from own age groups
    • suggests presence of misleading info is not only factor which impacts accuracy of ewt
    • may be other factors
  • X evidence to suggest ewt influenced by dc?
    • zaragosa & mccloskey 1989 argue that many answers participants given in lab studies of ewt are result of dcs
    • do not want to let researcher down & want to appear helpful/attentive when trying to recall events of crime
    • when asked a question they dont know anwer to may guess especially at yes/no question
    • ? internal
    • hard to tell if participant is behaving naturally
    • means it is difficult to generalise findings to real life explanations of factors that affect accuracy of ewt