Required Practicals

Cards (2)

  • How to determine specific heat capacity?
    1. Check mass of material
    2. Wrap block in insulation and place on insulating mat
    3. With the power off, set up a power supply, ammeter, and voltmeter connected to the block with a thermometer
    4. Measure the starting temperature
    5. Switch on power supply and start stopwatch
    6. Record the current and potential difference
    7. Record temperature every 60s seconds for 10 minutes
    8. Switch of power supply and stopwatch
    9. Record the temperature
  • How to investigate how wire length affects resistance
    1. Set up wire, power supply, voltmeter, ammeter and ruler
    2. Set the length of the wire to 100cm by adjusting the crocodile clips
    3. Turn on power supply at 1.5V
    4. Record the readings of voltage and current
    5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 but decrease the length of the wire by 10cm until you reach 20cm