Cards (5)

  • Protects the Products and Consumer - good packaging is designed to protect the product. For example, packages should be designed to withstand humidity, punture, and other types of damage.
  • Contains the Product - containers make products easy to carry and keep them separately.
  • Identity of the Product - a package would be less useful if it do not identify its contents. Usually, the contents are identified by the label on the package. However, using a special design or color on the package helps customers identify the contents.
  • Promotes the Product - the package is the natural place for promotion. It is part of the product which is most visible to the customer.
  • Makes the Product Easy to Use - cartons with spouts for easy pouring, boxes with zip-strip openings, butter wrappers with measurement marked on them are examples of the conveniences offered by packaging. In each of these examples, the package is designed with the user's needs in mind.