Cards (26)

  • Subject of art
    describe or to be portrayed by the artist
  • Subject of art
    could be make-believe, imaginary, and invented.
  • subject of art
    an artwork anything under the sun
  • Representational or figurative art
    derived from real object sources or representing strong influence from the real world
  • representational or figurative art
    artwork represents actual objects or subjects from reality
  • How was Venus of Willendorf described as?
    Voluptuous women
  • where and when did they find the statuette of venus?
    Willendorf, austria 1908
  • For how many years ago was the statue of venus carved?
    22,000 to 24,000
  • The statue is one of the what kind of art piece in the world?
    oldest pieces
  • Where did they keep the statue?
    Naturhistorisches museum in vienna
  • Nonrepresentational or abstract art
    without any reference to anything outside itself without representation
  • Nonrepresentational or abstract art
    The artist attempts only to show his ideas and feelings, not as objective as the realist or the representational artist.
  • Nonrepresentational or abstract art
    It is "nothing" but what the artist's intention for the viewers' own interpretation
  • Nature
    It has been the most common inspiration and subject
  • history
    all art is conditioned by the historical period in which it is created
  • history
    rulers like to have themselves and the great deeds of their time perpetuated, consequently, statues and paintings of the great are found in each civilization
  • Greek and roman mythology
    This has been a very important source of subjects in the arts
  • Greek and roman mythology
    these arts are so famous that they count as a definite part of our inheritance
  • Religion
    It has played an enormous role in inspiring works of visual arts, music, architecture, and literature, through the ages.
  • Religion
    It was during the renaissance that the european artisans became artists
  • Sacred oriental text
    Hinduism, buddhism, taoism, confucianism, zoroastrianism, jainism, and islam.
  • Content of art
    In an artwork, the subject matter of an artwork is what the image lietrally depicts.
  • Content of art
    The meaning, message, and/or feeling imparted by the work of art.
  • Factual meaning
    It is the literal statement or narrative content in the work that can directly apprehended because the objects presented are easily recognized
  • conventional meaning
    It refers to the special meaning that the certain object or color has for a particular culture or group of people when it is shown in an artwork
  • subjective meaning
    It refers to the individual meaning deliberately and instinctively expressed by the artist using a personal symbolism that stems from his own alliance with certain objects, actions or colors with past experiences