
Cards (26)

  • Eustress
    Positive stress that motivates you to continue working
  • Distress
    Negative stress that describe unpleasant feelings that may cause problems in mind
  • Types of Stressors

    • Internal - come from within you like thoughts that include fear, uncertainties about the future
    • External - come outside of you like situations, people, and experiences
  • Hans Selye: 'It's not stress that kills us, it's our reaction to it.'
  • Emotion
    Normally quite short-lived, but intense
  • Feelings
    Influenced by our perception of the situation, which is why the same emotion can trigger different feelings among people experiencing it
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ)

    The ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively
  • Emotions are multi-dimensional, or having various intensities
  • Emotions
    • Anger
    • Sadness
    • Fear
    • Enjoyment
    • Love
    • Surprise
    • Disgust
    • Shame
  • Emotional Intelligence Affects: Physical and Mental Health (75%), Relationships (55%), Work Performance (60%)
  • stress is a reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus that disturbs the well-being, state of calm, or equilibrium of a person.
  • stress
    the means your body reacts to challenges and makes you all set to face them with strength, attention, and energy.
  • overload stress in life will result to both physical and emotional disturbances
  • stress impacts the thinking and feelings at adolescents plus their behaviors later on adulthood
  • 3 ways to view stress
    1. stress as a stimulus
    2. stress as a response
    3. stress as relational
  • stress and its sources
    academic stress
    social stress
    financial stress
    family problems
    romantic relationships
  • coping is the process of spending conscious effort and energy to solve personal and interpersonal problems
  • adaptive - positive that successfully diminish the amount of stress being experienced and provide constructive feedback for the user e.g. exercise, meditation, seeking therapy
  • maladaptive - a stress that describes unpleasant feelings that may cause problems e.g. drinking, gambling, intrusive thoughts
  • adaptive coping
    social coping
    meaning- focused coping
    proactive coping
  • negative coping or proactive coping

    provide short term relief include dissociation, sensitization, numbing out, anxious avoidance of problem and escape
  • 3 most common distinctions
    appraisal- focused strategy
    problem- focused strategy
    emotion- focused strategy
  • conventional - western world. most people are familiar with them and their effects on stress
  • alternative - focus on the person experiencing stress, providing methods for mental reframing or management
  • conventional methods
    traditional medicine
    psychiatric therapy
    anxiety- reducing medications
  • alternative methods
    transactional model of stress